view twitfolk.conf.sample @ 0:d6521d5ea884

Import of Andy Smith's twitfolk bot
author Dominic Cleal <>
date Sat, 06 Dec 2008 13:49:48 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

# Example config file for
# $Id: twitfolk.conf.sample 776 2008-11-03 18:20:04Z andy $

# Server hostname or IP.
target_server =

# Port to connect to.
target_port = 6667

# password to use to connect to server (comment out to use no password)
target_pass = yournickpass

# IRC nick to use.
nick = Twitfolk

# If the nick is registered, identify to NickServ with this password.
nick_pass = yournickpass

# If there is no identd installed then use this ident.
username = twitfolk

# File to write PID to whilst running.
pidfile =

# Away message to immediately set.
away = If you have a Twitter account, ask grifferz to add you to me!

# Channel, without leading #
channel = bitfolk

# Your screen name on
twitter_user = twituser

# Your password on
twitter_pass = twitpass

# Your user's ID
twitter_id = 17103815

# File containing list of people to follow and their IRC nicknames
friends_file = twitfolk.friends

# Where to store the most recent tweet id
tweet_id_file = last_tweet

# How many tweets to relay at a time
max_tweets = 4