view reproctool.cgi @ 16:257e748cd08e

Merging -df
author Dominic Cleal <>
date Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:46:32 +0000
parents 50d8619bce32 ccd5e74fa58e
children a79168f03fc4
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -T

use warnings;
use strict;

use CGI;
use DBI;
use XML::DOM;

# Settings
my $img_http_path = '/itemimgs';

my $cgi = new CGI;
print $cgi->header(-type    => 'text/html',
                   -pragma  => 'no-cache',
                   -expires => '-365d');

sub user_error
    my $text = shift;
<body><font color="#FF0000"><b>Error:</b></font> $text</body></html>

# Generate the first page, where eve-central mineral prices are prefilled.
# TODO: depending on the traffic, cache these eve-central prices.
my $str_items;
if (! ($str_items = $cgi->param('items')) )
    my $min;
    my $eveCentralURL = '';
    my $xmlParser = XML::DOM::Parser->new();
    my $xmlDoc = $xmlParser->parsefile($eveCentralURL);

    # What evenutally will be printed.
    my $inputPage = <<END;

<form action="/cgi-bin/reproctool/reproctool.cgi" method="post">
    <textarea rows="5" cols="80" name="items"></textarea>
    <table border="0" cellspacing="4">
    # Lists the name of the minerals.
    foreach $min ($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('mineral'))
      $inputPage .= sprintf( "             <td>%s</td>\n",
                             $min->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->getFirstChild->getNodeValue );

$inputPage .= <<END;
    foreach $min ($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('mineral'))
      $inputPage .= sprintf( "             <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"%s\" size=\"5\" value=\"%.2f\" /></td>\n",
                             $min->getElementsByTagName('price')->item(0)->getFirstChild->getNodeValue );

  $inputPage .= <<END;
    <input type="submit" />


  print $inputPage;
  exit 0;

# Inputs
my $str_items = $cgi->param('items') or user_error('Items missing');
my $cols = $cgi->param('cols') || 4;

# Load mineral prices
my $trit = $cgi->param('trit') || user_error('No tritanium price');
my $pyer = $cgi->param('pyer') || user_error('No pyerite price');
my $mexa = $cgi->param('mexa') || user_error('No mexallon price');
my $isog = $cgi->param('isog') || user_error('No isogen price');
my $nocx = $cgi->param('nocx') || user_error('No nocxium price');
my $zydr = $cgi->param('zydr') || user_error('No zydrine price');
my $mega = $cgi->param('mega') || user_error('No megacyte price');
my $morp = $cgi->param('morp') || user_error('No morphite price');

our @dbparams;
require './dbparams.cgi';
my $db = DBI->connect(@dbparams)
    or die("Database connection failure: $DBI::errstr");

# Strip out line endings
$str_items =~ s/[\n\r]+//g;

# If the items string contains the contract info too, strip it out
$str_items = $1 if ($str_items =~ /The container .+ contains the following items:(.+)/);
$str_items = $1 if ($str_items =~ /(.+)Are you sure you want to continue?/);

my @item_names = split(/\s*,\s*/, $str_items);

# SQL fragment to match all items
my $sql_typenames = '';
$sql_typenames = 'types.typeName = ?' if ($#item_names >= 0);
$sql_typenames .= " OR types.typeName = ?" foreach (1..$#item_names);

# SQL lookup for reprocessing amounts
my $sql_reprocess = <<END;
	attrs.valueInt, -- metaLevel
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 34 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Tritanium]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 35 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Pyerite]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 36 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Mexallon]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 37 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Isogen]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 38 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Nocxium]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 39 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Zydrine]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 40 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END), -- [Megacyte]
	SUM(CASE WHEN m1.requiredTypeID = 11399 THEN m1.quantity ELSE 0 END) -- [Morphite]
FROM invTypes types
LEFT JOIN dgmTypeAttributes attrs ON types.typeID = attrs.typeID AND attrs.attributeID = 633
INNER JOIN typeActivityMaterials m1 ON types.typeID = m1.typeID
INNER JOIN invGroups groups ON types.groupID = groups.groupID
INNER JOIN eveGraphics graphics ON types.graphicID = graphics.graphicID
WHERE $sql_typenames
GROUP BY types.typeID
ORDER BY groups.categoryID DESC, groupName ASC, typeName ASC
my $pre_reprocess = $db->prepare($sql_reprocess);

# Execute, bring back one row per item
my ($tid, $tname, $gname, $meta, $basePrice, $icon,
    $ttrit, $tpyer, $tmexa, $tisog, $tnocx, $tzydr, $tmega, $tmorp);

$pre_reprocess->execute(@item_names) or die("Can't lookup items: $DBI::errstr");
$pre_reprocess->bind_columns(undef, \$tid, \$tname, \$gname, \$meta, \$basePrice,
                             \$icon, \$ttrit, \$tpyer, \$tmexa, \$tisog,
                             \$tnocx, \$tzydr, \$tmega, \$tmorp);

my @output = ();
while ($pre_reprocess->fetch())
    my $item = {};
    my $isk = ($trit * $ttrit) + ($pyer * $tpyer) + ($mexa * $tmexa) +
                ($isog * $tisog) + ($nocx * $tnocx) + ($zydr * $tzydr) +
                ($mega * $tmega) + ($morp * $tmorp);
    $meta = 0 unless defined $meta;
    $item = { id => $tid, name => $tname, meta => $meta, icon => $icon,
              price => $basePrice, reprocess => $isk };
    # If this item exists multiple times in the input, then they weren't stacked
    # so output it multiple times
    my @matching_in = grep({ $_ eq $tname } @item_names);
    push @output, $item foreach (0..$#matching_in);

my $col = 0;
    <style type="text/css">
        .meta4, .meta5, .meta6, .meta7, .meta8, .meta9
            color: #FF0000;
            text-align: center;


my $igb = ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /EVE-minibrowser/i);

for my $item (@output)
    if ($col == $cols)
        print "</tr><tr>\n";
        $col = 0;
    my ($style, $img, $text, $link, $colour);
    if (defined $item->{id})
        $style = "meta$item->{meta}";
        if ($igb)
            $img = "typeicon:$item->{id}";
            $link = "showinfo:$item->{id}";
            $img = "$img_http_path/icons/icons_items_png/64_64/icon$item->{icon}.png";
        if ($item->{meta} == 4)
            $text = $item->{name};
            $colour = "#FF0000";
            $text = $item->{reprocess};
        $text = 'Unknown item';
        $img = "typeicon:07_15";
    print "<td width='64' class='item'>";
    print "<a href='$link'>" if defined $link;
    print "<img src='$img' width='64' height='64' border='1' ";
    print   "title=\"$item->{name}\" alt=\"$item->{name}\" />";
    print "</a>" if defined $link;
    print "<br />";
    print "<font color='$colour'>" if defined $colour;
    print $text;
    print "</font>" if defined $colour;
    print "</td>\n";
