view bin/chronicle @ 12:9efe0b8729a8

2007-08-14 14:01:15 by steve Copy any static files into place when building the file, not just a single stylesheet.
author steve
date Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:01:15 +0000
parents 057cd84ce271
children a3d2dca6ada3
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

chronicle - A blog compiler.



  Help Options:

   --help        Show the help information for this script.

   --manual      Read the manual for this script.

   --verbose     Show useful debugging information.

   --version     Show the version number and exit.


=head1 ABOUT

  Chronicle is a simple tool to convert a collection of text files,
 located in a single directory, into a static collection of HTML
 pages which comprise a blog.

  It supports only the bare minimum of features which are required
 to be useful:

   * Tagging support.

   * RSS support.

   * Archive support.

  The obvious deficiencies are:

   * Lack of support for commenting.

   * Lack of pingback/trackback support.

  Having said that it is a robust, stable, and useful system.


=head1 AUTHOR


 $Id: chronicle,v 1.6 2007-08-14 14:01:15 steve Exp $


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2007 by Steve Kemp.  All rights reserved.

This module is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
The LICENSE file contains the full text of the license.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Parse;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use HTML::Template;
use Pod::Usage;

#  Configuration values read initially from the global configuration
# file, then optionally overridden by the command line.

#  Setup default options.

#  Read the global and per-user configuration files, if they exist.
readConfigurationFile( "/etc/chroniclerc" );
readConfigurationFile( $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.chroniclerc" );

#  Parse the command line arguments.

#  Should we run something before we start?
if ( $CONFIG{'pre-build'} )
    $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Running command: $CONFIG{'pre-build'}\n";


#  Make sure our output directory exists.
mkpath( $CONFIG{'output'}, 0, 0755 ) if ( ! -d $CONFIG{'output'} );

#  Parse each of the given text files, and build up a datastructure
# we can use to create our pages.
#  The data-structure is a hash of arrays.  The hash key is the blog
# entry's filename, and the array stored as the hash's value has
# keys such as:
#   tags  => [ 'test', 'testing' ]
#   date  => '1st july 2007'
#   title => 'Some title'
my %data = createDataStructure();

#  Find each unique tag which is used within our text.
my %all_tags;
%all_tags = findAllTags() unless( $CONFIG{'no-tags'} );

#  Find each unique month + year we've used.
my %all_dates = findAllMonths();
%all_dates = findAllMonths() unless( $CONFIG{'no-archive'} );

#  Now create the global tag + date loops which are used for our
# sidebar.
my %CLOUD;
$CLOUD{'tag'}     = createTagCloud( %all_tags ) unless( $CONFIG{'no-tags'} );
$CLOUD{'archive'} = createDateCloud( %all_dates ) unless( $CONFIG{'no-archive'} );;

#  Output each static page.
$CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Creating static pages:\n";
foreach my $file ( keys %data )
    outputStaticPage( $file );

#  Build an output page for each tag which we've discovered.
foreach my $tagName ( sort keys %all_tags )
    $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Creating tag page: $tagName\n";

    outputTagPage( $tagName );

#  Now build the archives.
foreach my $date ( keys( %all_dates ) )
    $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Creating archive page: $date\n";

    outputArchivePage( $date );

#  Now output the most recent entries for our front-page.

#  Copy any static files into place.

#  Post-build command?
if ( $CONFIG{'post-build'} )
    $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Running command: $CONFIG{'post-build'}\n";


#  All done.

=begin doc

  Setup the default options we'd expect into our global configuration hash.

=end doc


sub setupDefaultOptions
    $CONFIG{'input'}      = "./blog";
    $CONFIG{'output'}     = "./output";
    $CONFIG{'template'}   = "./themes/default";
    $CONFIG{'url-prefix'} = "";

=begin doc

  Parse the command line arguments this script was given.

=end doc


sub parseCommandLineArguments
    my $HELP    = 0;
    my $MANUAL  = 0;
    my $VERSION = 0;

    #  Parse options.
               # Help options
               "help",         \$HELP,
               "manual",       \$MANUAL,
               "verbose",      \$CONFIG{'verbose'},
               "version",      \$VERSION,

               # paths
               "input=s",      \$CONFIG{'input'},
               "output=s",     \$CONFIG{'output'},
               "templates=s",  \$CONFIG{'templates'},

               # optional
               "pattern=s",    \$CONFIG{'pattern'},
               "no-tags",      \$CONFIG{'no-tags'},
               "no-archive",   \$CONFIG{'no-archive'},

               # commands
               "pre-build=s",  \$CONFIG{'pre-build'},
               "post-build=s", \$CONFIG{'post-build'},


    pod2usage(1) if $HELP;
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2 ) if $MANUAL;

    if ( $VERSION )
        my $REVISION      = '$Revision: 1.6 $';
        if ( $REVISION =~ /1.([0-9.]+) / )
            $REVISION = $1;

        logprint( "chronicle release $REVISION\n" );

=begin doc

  Create our global datastructure, by reading each of the blog
 files and extracting:

  1.  The title of the entry.

  2.  Any tags which might be present.

  3.  The date upon which it was made.

=end doc


sub createDataStructure
    my %results;

    if ( ! -d $CONFIG{'input'} )
        print <<EOF;

  The blog input directory $CONFIG{'input'} does not exist.



    #  Did the user override the default pattern?
    my $pattern = $CONFIG{'pattern'} || "*";
    my $count   = 0;

    foreach my $file ( sort( glob( $CONFIG{'input'} . "/" . $pattern ) ) )
        #  Ignore directories.
        next if ( -d $file );

        my $title   = '';
        my $date    = '';
        my $private = 0;

        my @tags;

        open( INPUT, "<", $file ) or die "Failed to open blog file $file - $!";
        while( my $line = <INPUT> )
            if ( $line =~ /^tags:(.*)/i )
                my $tag .= $1;
                foreach my $t ( split( /,/, $tag ) )
                    # strip leading and trailing space.
                    $t =~ s/^\s+//;
                    $t =~ s/\s+$//;

                    # skip empty tags.
                    next if ( !length($t) );

                    # lowercase and store the tags.
                    $tag = lc($tag);
                    push ( @tags, $t );
            elsif (( $line =~ /^title:(.*)/i ) && !length($title) )
                $title = $1;

                # strip leading and trailing space.
                $title =~ s/^\s+// if ( length $title );
                $title =~ s/\s+$// if ( length $title );
            elsif (( $line =~ /^date:(.*)/i ) && !length($date) )
                $date = $1;

                # strip leading and trailing space.
                $date =~ s/^\s+// if ( $date );
                $date =~ s/\s+$// if ( $date );

            elsif ( $line =~ /^status:(.*)/i )
                my $level = $1;

                # strip leading and trailing space.
                $level =~ s/^\s+// if ( $level );
                $level =~ s/\s+$// if ( $level );

                $private = 1 if ( $level =~ /private/i);
        close( INPUT );

        $results{$file} = { tags => \@tags,
                            title => $title,
                            date  => $date } unless( $private );

        $count += 1;

    #  Make sure we found some entries.
    if ( $count < 1 )
        print <<EOF;

  There were no text files found in the input directory
 $CONFIG{'input'} which matched the pattern '$pattern'.



    return %results;

=begin doc

  Find each distinct tag which has been used within blog entries,
 and the number of times each one has been used.

=end doc


sub findAllTags
    my %allTags;

    foreach my $f ( keys %data )
        my $h = $data{$f};
        my $tags = $h->{'tags'} || undef;
        foreach my $t ( @$tags )

    return( %allTags );

=begin doc

  Create a structure for a tag cloud.

=end doc


sub createTagCloud
    my( %unique ) = ( @_ );

    my $results;

    foreach my $key ( sort keys( %unique ) )
        push( @$results,
            { tag => $key,
              count => $unique{$key} } );
    return $results;


=begin doc

  Find each of the distinct Month + Year pairs for entries which
 have been created.

=end doc


sub findAllMonths
    my %allDates;
    foreach my $f ( keys %data )
        my $h    = $data{$f};
        next if ( !$h );

        my $date = $h->{'date'} || undef;
        next if ( !$date );

        #  Strip to month
        my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = strptime($date);
        my @abbr = qw( January February March April May June July August September October November December );
        $month = $abbr[$month];
        $year += 1900;
        $date = $month . " " . $year;


    return( %allDates );

=begin doc

  Create a data structure which can be used for our archive layout.

  This is a little messy too.  It mostly comes because we want to
 have a nested loop so that we can place our entries in a nice manner.

=end doc


sub createDateCloud
    my( %unique ) = ( @_ );

    my $results;

    #  First find the distinct years.
    my %years;
    foreach my $key ( sort keys %unique  )
        if ( $key =~ /([0-9]+)/ )
            my $year = $1;
            $years{$year} += 1;

    #  Now for each year we want to push on the number of
    # months
    foreach my $year ( keys %years )
        my $months;

        foreach my $key ( keys %unique )
            if ( $key =~ /(.*) ([0-9]+)/ )
                my $y  = $2;
                my $m = $1;
                if ( $year eq $y )
                    my $count = $unique{ $key };
                    my $month = $m;

                    push( @$months, { month => $m,
                                      count => $count } );

        push( @$results, { year => $year,
                           months => $months } );
    return $results;

=begin doc

  This function will return a hash containing our tag information,
 the values of the hash will be an array of filenames which contain
 that entry.

=end doc


sub readTagInformation
    my( @files ) = (@_);

    my %results;

    foreach my $file ( @files )
        my $tag;
        open( FILE, "<", $file ) or die "Failed to read: $file - $!";
        foreach my $line ( <FILE> )
            next unless $line =~ /^tags:(.*)/i;

            my $tags = $1;

            foreach my $t ( split( /,/ , $tags ) )
                # strip leading and trailing space.
                $t =~ s/^\s+//;
                $t =~ s/\s+$//;

                # skip empty tags.
                next if ( !length($t) );

                # lowercase all tags
                $t = lc($t);

                # Store the filename in the hash for this tag.
                my $cur = $results{$t};
                push @$cur, $file;
                $results{$t} = $cur;
        close( FILE );
    return %results;

=begin doc

=end doc


sub readDateInformation
    my( @files ) = (@_);

    my %results;

    foreach my $file ( @files )
        my $tag;
        open( FILE, "<", $file ) or die "Failed to read: $file - $!";
        foreach my $line ( <FILE> )
            next unless $line =~ /^date:(.*)/i;
            my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = strptime($1 );

            my @abbr = qw( January February March April May June July August September October November December );

            $year += 1900;
            $month = $abbr[$month];

            # Store the filename in the hash for this tag.
            my $cur = $results{$year}{$month};
            push @$cur, $file;
            $results{$year}{$month} = $cur;
        close( FILE );
    return %results;

=begin doc

  Sort by date.

=end doc


sub bywhen
    my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = strptime($a->{'date'});
    my ($ss2,$mm2,$hh2,$day2,$month2,$year2,$zone2) = strptime($b->{'date'});

    if ( !defined($year ) || ( !defined( $year2 ) ) )
        return 0;

    return "$year2$month2$day2" <=> "$year$month$day";

=begin doc

  Output the index page + index RSS feed.

=end doc


sub outputIndexPage

    #  Holder for the blog entries.
    my $entries;

    #  Find all the entries and sort them to be most recent first.
    my $tmp;
    foreach my $file ( keys ( %data ) )
        my $blog = readBlogEntry( $file );
        push( @$tmp, $blog ) if (keys( %$blog ) );
    my @tmp2 = sort bywhen @$tmp;

    #  The number of entries to display upon the index.
    my $max = $CONFIG{'entry-count'} || 10;
    foreach my $f ( @tmp2 )
        push( @$entries, $f ) if ( $max > 0 );
        $max -= 1;

    #  Open the index template.
    my $template = loadTemplate( "index.template" );

    $template->param( entries => $entries )     if ( $entries );
    $template->param( tagcloud => $CLOUD{'tag'} )   if ( $CLOUD{'tag'} );
    $template->param( datecloud => $CLOUD{'archive'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'archive'} );

    #  Page to use
    my $index = $CONFIG{'filename'} || "index.html";

    open( OUTPUT, ">", "$CONFIG{'output'}/$index" );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );

    #  Output the RSS feed
    $template = loadTemplate( "index.xml.template",
                              die_on_bad_params => 0 );
    $template->param( entries => $entries ) if ( $entries );
    open( OUTPUT, ">", "$CONFIG{'output'}/index.rss" );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );

=begin doc

  Write out a /tags/$foo/index.html containing each blog entry which has the
 tag '$foo'.

=end doc


sub outputTagPage
    my ( $tagName ) = ( @_ );

    #  Make the tag directory.
    my $dir = "$CONFIG{'output'}/tags/";
    mkpath( $dir, 0, 0755 ) if ( ! -d $dir );

    #  Now the specific one.
    $dir = "$CONFIG{'output'}/tags/$tagName";
    mkdir $dir, 0755 if ( ! -d $dir );

    my %allTags;
    my %tagEntries;
    foreach my $f ( keys %data )
        my $h = $data{$f};
        my $tags = $h->{'tags'} || undef;
        foreach my $t ( @$tags )
            my $a = $tagEntries{$t};
            push @$a, $f ;
            $tagEntries{$t}= $a;

    my $matching =  $tagEntries{$tagName};

    my $entries;

    #  Now read the matching entries.
    foreach my $f ( sort @$matching )
        my $blog = readBlogEntry( $f );
        if (keys( %$blog ) )
            $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "\tAdded: $f\n";
            push( @$entries, $blog );

    #  Now write the output as a HTML page.
    my $template = loadTemplate( "tags.template" );
    $template->param( entries => $entries )   if ( $entries );
    $template->param( tagname => $tagName );
    $template->param( tagcloud => $CLOUD{'tag'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'tag'} );
    $template->param( datecloud => $CLOUD{'archive'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'archive'} );

    #  Page to use
    my $index = $CONFIG{'filename'} || "index.html";

    open( OUTPUT, ">", "$dir/$index" );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );

    #  Now output the .xml file
    $template = loadTemplate( "tags.xml.template", die_on_bad_params => 0 );
    $template->param( entries => $entries ) if ( $entries );
    $template->param( tagname => $tagName ) if ( $tagName );
    open( OUTPUT, ">", "$dir/$tagName.rss" );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );


=begin doc

  Output the archive page for the given Month + Year.

  This function is a *mess* and iterates over the data structure much
 more often than it needs to.


=end doc


sub outputArchivePage
    my( $date ) = ( @_ );

    #  Should we abort?
    if ( $CONFIG{'no-archive'} )
        $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Ignoring archive page, as instructed.\n";

    my $year = '';
    my $month = '';
    if ( $date =~ /(.*) ([0-9]+)/ )
        $year  = $2;
        $month = $1;

    #  Make the directory
    my $dir = "$CONFIG{'output'}/archive/$year";
    mkpath( $dir, 0, 0755 ) if ( ! -d $dir );

    $dir .= "/$month";
    mkdir $dir, 0755 if ( ! -d $dir );

    my $entries;

    my %allDates;
    my %dateEntries;
    foreach my $f ( keys %data )
        my $h    = $data{$f};
        my $date = $h->{'date'} || undef;

        #  Strip to month
        my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = strptime($date);
        my @abbr = qw( January February March April May June July August September October November December );
        $month = $abbr[$month];
        $year += 1900;
        $date = $month . " " . $year;
        my $a = $dateEntries{$date};
        push @$a, $f ;
        $dateEntries{$date}= $a;

    my $matching = $dateEntries{$date};
    foreach my $f ( reverse @$matching )
        $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "\tAdded: $f\n";

        my $blog = readBlogEntry( $f );
        if (keys( %$blog ) )
            push( @$entries, $blog );

    #  Now write the output as a HTML page.
    my $template = loadTemplate( "month.template" );
    $template->param( entries => $entries )   if ( $entries );
    $template->param( year => $year, month => $month );
    $template->param( tagcloud => $CLOUD{'tag'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'tag'} );
    $template->param( datecloud => $CLOUD{'archive'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'archive'} );

    #  Page to use
    my $index = $CONFIG{'filename'} || "index.html";
    open( OUTPUT, ">", "$dir/$index" );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );

    #  Now the RSS page.
    $template = loadTemplate( "month.xml.template", die_on_bad_params => 0 );
    $template->param( entries => $entries ) if ( $entries );
    $template->param( month => $month, year => $year );
    open( OUTPUT, ">", "$dir/$month.rss" );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );

=begin doc

  Output static page.

=end doc


sub outputStaticPage
    my ( $filename ) = ( @_ );

    #  Load the template
    my $template = loadTemplate( "entry.template" );

    #  Just the name of the file.
    my $basename = $filename;
    if ( $basename =~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ )
    #  Read the entry
    my $static = readBlogEntry( $filename );

    my $title = $static->{'title'} || $basename;
    my $tags  = $static->{'tags'};
    my $body  = $static->{'body'};
    my $date  = $static->{'date'} || "";

    $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "\t$filename\n";

    #  Convert to suitable filename.
    my $file = fileToTitle($title);
    $file    = $CONFIG{'output'} . "/" . $file;

    $template->param( title => $title );
    $template->param( tags => $tags ) if ( $tags );
    $template->param( date => $date ) if ( $date );
    $template->param( body => $body );
    $template->param( tagcloud => $CLOUD{'tag'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'tag'} );
    $template->param( datecloud => $CLOUD{'archive'} ) if ( $CLOUD{'archive'} );
    open( OUTPUT, ">", $file );
    print OUTPUT $template->output();
    close( OUTPUT );


=begin doc

  Return a hash of interesting data from our blog file.

=end doc


sub readBlogEntry
    my ( $filename ) = ( @_);

    my %entry;

    my $title  = "";
    my $tags   = "";
    my $body   = "";
    my $date   = "";
    my $status = "";

    open( ENTRY, "<", $filename ) or die "Failed to read $filename $!";
    while( my $line = <ENTRY> )
        #  Append any tags.
        if ( $line =~ /^tags: (.*)/i )
            $tags .= $1;
        elsif (( $line =~ /^title: (.*)/i ) && !length($title) )
            $title = $1;

            # strip leading and trailing space.
            $title =~ s/^\s+// if ( length $title );
            $title =~ s/\s+$// if ( length $title );
        elsif (( $line =~ /^date: (.*)/i ) && !length($date) )
            $date = $1;

            # strip leading and trailing space.
            $date =~ s/^\s+// if ( length $date );
            $date =~ s/\s+$// if ( length $date );
        elsif (( $line =~ /^status:(.*)/ ) && !length ( $status ) )
            $status = $1;
            $body .= $line;
    close( ENTRY );

    #  If we have title then we can store it
    my $entryTags;

    foreach my $tag ( split( /,/, $tags ) )
        # strip leading and trailing space.
        $tag =~ s/^\s+//;
        $tag =~ s/\s+$//;

        # skip empty tags.
        next if ( !length($tag) );
        $tag = lc($tag);
        push ( @$entryTags, { tag => $tag } );

    #  Get the link
    my $link = fileToTitle( $title );

    #  If the date isn't set then use todays.
    if ( ! defined($date) ||( !length( $date ) ) )
        my @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov De
c );
        my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

        $year += 1900;

        $date = "$mday $abbr[$mon] $year";

    #  Store the entry.
    $entry{'title'} = $title;
    $entry{'body'}  = $body if ( $body );
    $entry{'link'}  = $link;
    $entry{'date'}  = $date;
    $entry{'tags'}  = $entryTags if ( $entryTags );
    return \%entry;

=begin doc

  Create a filename for an URL which does not contain unsafe

=end doc


sub fileToTitle
    my( $file ) = ( @_ );

    if ( $file =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/ )
        $file = $1;
    $file =~ s/ /_/g;
    $file =~ s/\///g;
    $file =~ s/\\//g;

    my $suffix = $CONFIG{'suffix'} ||".html";
    $file .= $suffix;
    return( $file );


=begin doc

  Load a template file.

=end doc


sub loadTemplate
    my( $file, %params ) = (@_);

    #  Make sure the file exists.
    if ( ! -e $CONFIG{'template'} . "/" . $file )
        print <<EOF;

  The template file $file was not found in our template directory
 of $CONFIG{'template'}.


    my $t = HTML::Template->new( filename          => $file,
                                 path              => $CONFIG{'template'},
                                 loop_context_vars => 1,
                                 global_vars       => 1,
                                 %params );

    #  Global setting.
    if ( $CONFIG{'url_prefix'} )
        $t->param( url_prefix => $CONFIG{'url_prefix'} );

    return( $t );

=begin doc

  Read the specified configuration file if it exists.

=end doc


sub readConfigurationFile
    my( $file ) = ( @_ );

    #  If it doesn't exist ignore it.
    return if ( ! -e $file );

    my $line = "";

    open( FILE, "<", $file ) or die "Cannot read file '$file' - $!";
    while (defined($line = <FILE>) )
        chomp $line;
        if ($line =~ s/\\$//)
            $line .= <FILE>;
            redo unless eof(FILE);

        # Skip lines beginning with comments
        next if ( $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\#/ );

        # Skip blank lines
        next if ( length( $line ) < 1 );

        # Strip trailing comments.
        if ( $line =~ /(.*)\#(.*)/ )
            $line = $1;

        # Find variable settings
        if ( $line =~ /([^=]+)=([^\n]+)/ )
            my $key = $1;
            my $val = $2;

            # Strip leading and trailing whitespace.
            $key =~ s/^\s+//;
            $key =~ s/\s+$//;
            $val =~ s/^\s+//;
            $val =~ s/\s+$//;

            # command expansion?
            if ( $val =~ /(.*)`([^`]+)`(.*)/ )
                # store
                my $pre  = $1;
                my $cmd  = $2;
                my $post = $3;

                # get output
                my $output = `$cmd`;
                chomp( $output );

                # build up replacement.
                $val = $pre . $output . $post;

            # Store value.
            $CONFIG{ $key } = $val;

    close( FILE );

=begin doc

  Copy any static files from the theme directory into the "live" location
 in the output.

  This only works for a top-level target directory.

=end doc


sub copyStaticFiles
    #  Soure and destination for the copy
    my $input  = $CONFIG{'template'};
    my $output = $CONFIG{'output'};

    foreach my $pattern ( qw! *.css *.jpg *.gif *.png *.js *.ico ! )
        foreach my $file ( glob( $input . "/" . $pattern ) )
            if ( ! -e  "$output/$file" )
                $CONFIG{'verbose'} && print "Copying static file $file\n";
                copy( "$input/$file", "$output/$file" );