view src/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/ @ 8:fa7203ea1622

Remove some dead code (Dave Brosius)
author Dan Creswell <>
date Sat, 23 May 2009 11:27:41 +0100
parents 3dc0c5604566
line wrap: on
line source


  Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
  This may be used for any purposes whatsoever without acknowledgment.
  Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs,
  and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.

  This class is based on Sun JDK java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport,
  which is copyrighted by Sun. (It shares practically no code, but for 
  consistency, the documentation was lifted and adapted here.)

  Date       Who                What
  14Mar1999   dl                 first release

package EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent;

import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.util.HashMap;

 * This class is interoperable with java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport,
 * but relies on a streamlined copy-on-write scheme similar to
 * that used in CopyOnWriteArrayList. It also adheres to clarified
 * semantics of add, remove, and fireVetoableChange operations.
 * <p>
 * <b>Sample usage.</b>
 * <pre>
 * class Thing {
 *   protected Color myColor =; // an example property
 *   protected boolean changePending; // track whether in midst of change
 *   // vetoable listeners:
 *   protected VetoableChangeMulticaster vetoers =
 *     new VetoableChangeMulticaster(this);
 *   // Possibly also some ordinary listeners:
 *   protected PropertyChangeMulticaster listeners =
 *     new PropertyChangeMulticaster(this);
 *   // registration methods, including:
 *   void addVetoer(VetoableChangeListener l) {
 *     // Use the `ifAbsent' version to avoid duplicate notifications
 *     vetoers.addVetoableChangeListenerIfAbsent(l);
 *   }
 *   public synchronized Color getColor() { // accessor
 *     return myColor;
 *   }
 *   // Simple transactional control for vetos
 *   public void setColor(int newColor) throws PropertyVetoException {
 *     Color oldColor = prepareSetColor(newColor);
 *     try {
 *       vetoers.fireVetoableChange("color", oldColor, newColor);
 *       commitColor(newColor);
 *       listeners.firePropertyChange("color", oldColor, newColor);
 *     }
 *     catch(PropertyVetoException ex) {
 *       abortSetColor();
 *       throw ex;
 *     }
 *   }
 *   // Called on entry to proposed vetoable change from setColor.
 *   // Throws exception if there is already another change in progress.
 *   // Returns current color
 *   synchronized int prepareSetColor(Color c) throws PropertyVetoException {
 *     // only support one transaction at a time
 *     if (changePending) 
 *       throw new PropertyVetoException("Concurrent modification");
 *       // (Could alternatively wait out other transactions via
 *       // a wait/notify construction based on changePending.)
 *     // perhaps some other screenings, like:
 *     else if (c == null) 
 *       throw new PropertyVetoException("Cannot change color to Null");
 *     else {
 *       changePending = true;
 *       return myColor;
 *     }
 *   }
 *   synchronized void commitColor(Color newColor) { 
 *     myColor = newColor;
 *     changePending = false;
 *   }
 *   synchronized void abortSetColor() {
 *     changePending = false;
 *   }
 * }
 * </pre>   
 * <p>[<a href=""> Introduction to this package. </a>]

public class VetoableChangeMulticaster implements Serializable {

  // This code is 90% identical with PropertyChangeMulticaster,
  // but there is no good way to unify the code while maintaining
  // interoperability with beans versions.

   * The array of listeners. Copied on each update

  protected transient VetoableChangeListener[] listeners = new VetoableChangeListener[0];

   * The object to be provided as the "source" for any generated events.
   * @serial
  protected final Object source;

   * HashMap for managing listeners for specific properties.
   * Maps property names to VetoableChangeMulticaster objects.
   * @serial
  protected HashMap children;

   * Return the child associated with property, or null if no such

  protected synchronized VetoableChangeMulticaster getChild(String propertyName) {
    return (children == null)? null : 

   * Constructs a <code>VetoableChangeMulticaster</code> object.
   * @param sourceBean  The bean to be given as the source for any events.
   * @exception NullPointerException if sourceBean is null
  public VetoableChangeMulticaster(Object sourceBean) {
    if (sourceBean == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException();

    source = sourceBean;

   * Add a VetoableChangeListener to the listener list.
   * The listener is registered for all properties.
   * If the listener is added multiple times, it will
   * receive multiple change notifications upon any fireVetoableChange.
   * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be added
  public synchronized void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    if (listener == null) throw new NullPointerException();

    int len = listeners.length;
    VetoableChangeListener[] newArray = new VetoableChangeListener[len + 1];
    if (len > 0)
      System.arraycopy(listeners, 0, newArray, 0, len);
    newArray[len] = listener;
    listeners = newArray;

   * Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list if it is 
   * not already present.
   * The listener is registered for all properties.
   * The operation maintains Set semantics: If the listener is already 
   * registered, the operation has no effect.
   * @param listener  The PropertyChangeListener to be added
   * @exception NullPointerException If listener is null
  public synchronized void addVetoableChangeListenerIfAbsent(VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    if (listener == null) throw new NullPointerException();

    // Copy while checking if already present.
    int len = listeners.length; 
    VetoableChangeListener[] newArray = new VetoableChangeListener[len + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      newArray[i] = listeners[i];
      if (listener.equals(listeners[i]))
	return; // already present -- throw away copy
    newArray[len] = listener;
    listeners = newArray;

   * Remove an occurrence of a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.
   * It removes at most one occurrence of the given listener.
   * If the listener was added multiple times it must be removed
   * mulitple times.
   * This removes a VetoableChangeListener that was registered
   * for all properties, and has no effect if registered for only
   * one or more specified properties.
   * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be removed
  public synchronized void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    int newlen = listeners.length-1;
    if (newlen < 0 || listener == null) return;

    // Copy while searching for element to remove

    VetoableChangeListener[] newArray = new VetoableChangeListener[newlen];

    for (int i = 0; i < newlen; ++i) { 
      if (listener.equals(listeners[i])) {
        //  copy remaining and exit
        for (int k = i + 1; k <= newlen; ++k) newArray[k-1] = listeners[k];
        listeners = newArray;
        newArray[i] = listeners[i];
    // special-case last cell
    if (listener.equals(listeners[newlen]))
      listeners = newArray;


   * Add a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property.  The listener
   * will be invoked only when a call on fireVetoableChange names that
   * specific property. However, if a listener is registered both for all
   * properties and a specific property, it will receive multiple 
   * notifications upon changes to that property.
   * @param propertyName  The name of the property to listen on.
   * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be added
   * @exception NullPointerException If listener is null
  public void addVetoableChangeListener(String propertyName,
                                        VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    if (listener == null) throw new NullPointerException();

    VetoableChangeMulticaster child = null;

    synchronized(this) {
      if (children == null) 
        children = new HashMap();
        child = (VetoableChangeMulticaster)children.get(propertyName);
      if (child == null) {
        child = new VetoableChangeMulticaster(source);
        children.put(propertyName, child);


   * Add a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property, if it is not
   * already registered.  The listener
   * will be invoked only when a call on fireVetoableChange names that
   * specific property. 
   * @param propertyName  The name of the property to listen on.
   * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be added
   * @exception NullPointerException If listener is null
  public void addVetoableChangeListenerIfAbsent(String propertyName,
                                        VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    if (listener == null) throw new NullPointerException();

    VetoableChangeMulticaster child = null;

    synchronized(this) {
      if (children == null) 
        children = new HashMap();
        child = (VetoableChangeMulticaster)children.get(propertyName);
      if (child == null) {
        child = new VetoableChangeMulticaster(source);
        children.put(propertyName, child);


   * Remove a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property.
   * Affects only the given property. 
   * If the listener is also registered for all properties,
   * then it will continue to be registered for them.
   * @param propertyName  The name of the property that was listened on.
   * @param listener  The VetoableChangeListener to be removed
  public void removeVetoableChangeListener(String propertyName,
                                           VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    VetoableChangeMulticaster child = getChild(propertyName);
    if (child != null) 

   * Helper method to relay evt to all listeners. 
   * Called by all public fireVetoableChange methods.

  protected void multicast(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException {

    VetoableChangeListener[] array;  // bind in synch block below
    VetoableChangeMulticaster child = null;

    synchronized (this) {
      array = listeners;

      if (children != null && evt.getPropertyName() != null)
        child = (VetoableChangeMulticaster)children.get(evt.getPropertyName());

    // Loop through array, and then cascade to child.
    int i = 0; // make visible to catch clause

    try {
      for (i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)

      if  (child != null)

    catch (PropertyVetoException veto) {
      // Revert all that have been notified
      PropertyChangeEvent revert = 
        new PropertyChangeEvent(evt.getSource(), 

      int lastNotified = (i < array.length)? i : (array.length-1);

      for (int k = 0; k <= lastNotified; ++k) {
        try {
        catch (PropertyVetoException ignore) {
          // Cannot veto a reversion
      //  Rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
      throw veto;

   * Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners. 
   * Notifications are sent serially (although in no particular order)
   * to the list of listeners,
   * aborting if one throws PropertyVetoException. Upon this exception,
   * fire a new event reverting this
   * change to all listeners that have already been notified
   * (ignoring any further vetos), 
   * suppress notifications to all other listeners, and
   * then rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
   * <p>
   * No event is fired if old and new are equal non-null.
   * @param propertyName  The programmatic name of the property
   *		that was changed.
   * @param oldValue  The old value of the property.
   * @param newValue  The new value of the property.
   * @exception PropertyVetoException if a recipient wishes the property
   *              change to be rolled back.
  public void fireVetoableChange(String propertyName, 
                                 Object oldValue, Object newValue) throws PropertyVetoException {
    if (oldValue == null || newValue == null || !oldValue.equals(newValue)) {
      multicast(new PropertyChangeEvent(source,

   * Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners. 
   * Notifications are sent serially (although in no particular order)
   * to the list of listeners,
   * aborting if one throws PropertyVetoException. Upon this exception,
   * fire a new event reverting this
   * change to all listeners that have already been notified
   * (ignoring any further vetos), 
   * suppress notifications to all other listeners, and
   * then rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
   * <p>
   * No event is fired if old and new are equal.
   * <p>
   * This is merely a convenience wrapper around the more general
   * fireVetoableChange method that takes Object values.
   * @param propertyName  The programmatic name of the property
   *		that was changed.
   * @param oldValue  The old value of the property.
   * @param newValue  The new value of the property.
   * @exception PropertyVetoException if the recipient wishes the property
   *              change to be rolled back.
  public void fireVetoableChange(String propertyName, 
                                 int oldValue, int newValue) throws PropertyVetoException {
    if (oldValue != newValue) {
      multicast(new PropertyChangeEvent(source,
                                        new Integer(oldValue), 
                                        new Integer(newValue)));

   * Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners. 
   * Notifications are sent serially (although in no particular order)
   * to the list of listeners,
   * aborting if one throws PropertyVetoException. Upon this exception,
   * fire a new event reverting this
   * change to all listeners that have already been notified
   * (ignoring any further vetos), 
   * suppress notifications to all other listeners, and
   * then rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
   * <p>
   * No event is fired if old and new are equal.
   * <p>
   * This is merely a convenience wrapper around the more general
   * fireVetoableChange method that takes Object values.
   * @param propertyName  The programmatic name of the property
   *		that was changed.
   * @param oldValue  The old value of the property.
   * @param newValue  The new value of the property.
   * @exception PropertyVetoException if the recipient wishes the property
   *              change to be rolled back.
  public void fireVetoableChange(String propertyName, 
                                 boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) throws PropertyVetoException {
    if (oldValue != newValue) {
      multicast(new PropertyChangeEvent(source,
                                        new Boolean(oldValue), 
                                        new Boolean(newValue)));

   * Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners. 
   * Notifications are sent serially (although in no particular order)
   * to the list of listeners,
   * aborting if one throws PropertyVetoException. Upon this exception,
   * fire a new event reverting this
   * change to all listeners that have already been notified
   * (ignoring any further vetos), 
   * suppress notifications to all other listeners, and
   * then rethrow the PropertyVetoException.
   * <p>
   * No event is fired if old and new are equal and non-null.
   * equal and non-null.
   * @param evt  The PropertyChangeEvent object.
   * @exception PropertyVetoException if the recipient wishes the property
   *              change to be rolled back.
  public void fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException {
    Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue();
    Object newValue = evt.getNewValue();
    if (oldValue == null || newValue == null || !oldValue.equals(newValue)) 

   * Check if there are any listeners for a specific property.
   * If propertyName is null, return whether there are any listeners at all.
   * @param propertyName  the property name.
   * @return true if there are one or more listeners for the given property
  public boolean hasListeners(String propertyName) {

    VetoableChangeMulticaster child;

    synchronized (this) {
      if (listeners.length > 0)
        return true;
      else if (propertyName == null || children == null)
        return false;
      else {
        child = (VetoableChangeMulticaster)children.get(propertyName);
        if (child == null)
          return false;
    return child.hasListeners(null);

   * @serialData Null terminated list of <code>VetoableChangeListeners</code>.
   * <p>
   * At serialization time we skip non-serializable listeners and
   * only serialize the serializable listeners.
  private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
    for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
      VetoableChangeListener l = listeners[i];
      if (listeners[i] instanceof Serializable) {
  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    listeners = new VetoableChangeListener[0];     // paranoically reset
    Object listenerOrNull;
    while (null != (listenerOrNull = s.readObject())) {
