view src/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/ @ 28:bc579f24eaf5

Added tag Version 2.1 for changeset 511648fa4d64
author Dan Creswell <>
date Mon, 04 Jan 2010 13:01:11 +0000
parents 3dc0c5604566
line wrap: on
line source


  Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
  This may be used for any purposes whatsoever without acknowledgment.
  Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs,
  and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.

  Date       Who                What
  19Jun1998  dl               Create public version

package EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent;

 * A class useful for offloading synch for short instance variables.
 * <p>[<a href=""> Introduction to this package. </a>]

public class SynchronizedShort extends SynchronizedVariable implements Comparable, Cloneable {

  protected short value_;

   * Make a new SynchronizedShort with the given initial value,
   * and using its own internal lock.
  public SynchronizedShort(short initialValue) { 
    value_ = initialValue; 

   * Make a new SynchronizedShort with the given initial value,
   * and using the supplied lock.
  public SynchronizedShort(short initialValue, Object lock) { 
    value_ = initialValue; 

   * Return the current value 
  public final short get() { synchronized(lock_) { return value_; } }

   * Set to newValue.
   * @return the old value 

  public short set(short newValue) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      short old = value_;
      value_ = newValue; 
      return old;

   * Set value to newValue only if it is currently assumedValue.
   * @return true if successful
  public boolean commit(short assumedValue, short newValue) {
    synchronized(lock_) {
      boolean success = (assumedValue == value_);
      if (success) value_ = newValue;
      return success;

   * Atomically swap values with another SynchronizedShort.
   * Uses identityHashCode to avoid deadlock when
   * two SynchronizedShorts attempt to simultaneously swap with each other.
   * (Note: Ordering via identyHashCode is not strictly guaranteed
   * by the language specification to return unique, orderable
   * values, but in practice JVMs rely on them being unique.)
   * @return the new value 

  public short swap(SynchronizedShort other) {
    if (other == this) return get();
    SynchronizedShort fst = this;
    SynchronizedShort snd = other;
    if (System.identityHashCode(fst) > System.identityHashCode(snd)) {
      fst = other;
      snd = this;
    synchronized(fst.lock_) {
      synchronized(snd.lock_) {
        return get();

   * Increment the value.
   * @return the new value 
  public short increment() { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      return ++value_; 

   * Decrement the value.
   * @return the new value 
  public short decrement() { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      return --value_; 

   * Add amount to value (i.e., set value += amount)
   * @return the new value 
  public short add(short amount) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      return value_ += amount; 

   * Subtract amount from value (i.e., set value -= amount)
   * @return the new value 
  public short subtract(short amount) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      return value_ -= amount; 

   * Multiply value by factor (i.e., set value *= factor)
   * @return the new value 
  public synchronized short multiply(short factor) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      return value_ *= factor; 

   * Divide value by factor (i.e., set value /= factor)
   * @return the new value 
  public short divide(short factor) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      return value_ /= factor; 

   * Set the value to the negative of its old value
   * @return the new value 
  public  short negate() { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      value_ = (short)(-value_);
      return value_;

   * Set the value to its complement
   * @return the new value 
  public  short complement() { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      value_ = (short)(~value_);
      return value_;

   * Set value to value &amp; b.
   * @return the new value 
  public  short and(short b) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      value_ = (short)(value_ & b);
      return value_;

   * Set value to value | b.
   * @return the new value 
  public  short or(short b) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      value_ = (short)(value_ | b);
      return value_;

   * Set value to value ^ b.
   * @return the new value 
  public  short xor(short b) { 
    synchronized (lock_) {
      value_ = (short)(value_ ^ b);
      return value_;

  public int compareTo(short other) {
    short val = get();
    return (val < other)? -1 : (val == other)? 0 : 1;

  public int compareTo(SynchronizedShort other) {
    return compareTo(other.get());

  public int compareTo(Object other) {
    return compareTo((SynchronizedShort)other);

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other != null &&
        other instanceof SynchronizedShort)
      return get() == ((SynchronizedShort)other).get();
      return false;

  public int hashCode() {
    return (int)(get());

  public String toString() { return String.valueOf(get()); }
