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Upgrade to BDB JE 3.3.87
author Dan Creswell <>
date Sun, 16 Aug 2009 15:26:33 +0100
parents 3dc0c5604566
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<a name="tools"></a>
<h1>Tools Guide</h1>


Used to monitor a Blitz JavaSpaces instance as it runs. You can
graphically access statistics such as memory usage, instance counts and
number of active transactions. Graphing options are also provided,
where appropriate.
Dashboard supports lookup of a Blitz JavaSpaces instance via multicast
discovery (just specify the space name) or unicast discovery (specify
the lookup service host and the space name):
<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/dashboard.jar:lib/stats.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> dancres<br></pre>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath lib/dashboard.jar:lib/stats.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> rogue:4160 dancres<br></pre>

<p><b>NOTE:</b> The provision of stats can be
controlled programmatically or via the configuration file. Currently,
for Dashboard to provide full information, you must have enabled
appropriate options in the configuration file - e.g.:</p>

<pre>import org.dancres.blitz.stats.Switch;<br>import org.dancres.blitz.stats.OpSwitch;<br>import org.dancres.blitz.stats.InstanceSwitch;<br><br>org.dancres.blitz {<br> stats = new Switch[] {new OpSwitch(OpSwitch.ALL_TYPES,<br> OpSwitch.TAKE_OPS, true),<br> new OpSwitch(OpSwitch.ALL_TYPES, OpSwitch.READ_OPS, true),<br> new OpSwitch(OpSwitch.ALL_TYPES, OpSwitch.WRITE_OPS, true),<br> new InstanceSwitch(InstanceSwitch.ALL_TYPES, true)};<br>}<br></pre>

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">

Used to shutdown a Blitz instance and sync all it's state to disk. This
tool works with all <code>StorageModel</code>s including <code>Transient</code>.
<code>SyncAndShutdown</code> supports lookup of a Blitz
JavaSpaces instance via multicast discovery (just specify the space
name) or unicast discovery (specify the lookup service host and the
space name):
<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> dancres<br></pre>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> rogue:4160 dancres<br></pre>

<p><b>NOTE:</b>The shutdown of a Blitz instance may
result in the loss of state associated with transactions active (not
commited) at the time of shutdown. Typically, entries written under
such transactions will be lost and any takes performed will not have
been completed such that the <code>Entry</code>s will
remain in the databases. All <code>Entry</code>s untouched
by transactions are <em>guarenteed</em> to be undamaged.</p>

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">

Used to dump the contents of a Blitz instance's databases after it's
been shutdown with <code>SyncAndShutdown</code>. This tool
will work in combination with <code>SyncAndShutdown</code>
against even a transient Blitz instance.
<p>Basic usage of <code>DumpEntries</code> requires
that you specify the blitz configuration file of the Blitz instance
whose contents you wish to display.</p>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:dbjava/je.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> config/blitz.config<br></pre>

<p><code>DumpEntries</code> will display not only
Blitz internal information but will also attempt to unpack the Entry
instance and display it using the relevant codebase. To disable this
feature (perhaps because the codebase is not available) run <code>DumpEntries</code>
as follows:</p>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java -Dnounpack=true<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:dbjava/je.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> config/blitz.config<br></pre>

<p><b>NOTE:</b> Dumping the contents of a Blitz
instance should <em>only</em> be done after it's been
shutdown using <code>SyncAndShutdown</code>. <code>DumpEntries</code>
is strictly read-only and, therefore, cannot damage the contents of the

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">
<h3>HotBackup (experimental)</h3>

Used to make a hot backup of a blitz instance. Arguments are a
directory to backup to and either a space name or an LUS host URL and
spacename. Note that the specified directory must be available to the
machine on which the Blitz instance is running.
<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> /home/dan/src/jini/space/backups dancres<br></pre>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> /home/dan/src/jini/space/backups rogue:4160 dancres<br></pre>

<p><b>Note:</b> the specified directory should be
empty otherwise the backup will be refused.</p>

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">
<h3>Entry Cleaning (experimental)</h3>

<p>The <code>Cleanup</code> tool remotely connects
to a specified Blitz instance causing it to clean out all old Entry's.
The process performs the following steps:</p>


  <li>Kill all outstanding blocking matches</li>

  <li>Abort all outstanding transactions</li>

  <li>Delete all Entry's</li>

  <li>Checkpoint (to ensure all deletes are commited to disk)</li>

  <li>Delete all repositories</li>


<p><code>Cleanup</code> supports lookup of a Blitz
JavaSpaces instance via multicast discovery (just specify the space
name) or unicast discovery (specify the lookup service host and the
space name):</p>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> dancres<br></pre>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> rogue:4160 dancres<br></pre>

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">
<h3>Manual Lease Reaping</h3>

Used to cause Blitz to perform a single lease-reaping pass clearing out
all dead Entrys. Ensure that <code>leaseReapInterval</code>
is set to <code>LeaseReaper.MANUAL_REAP</code>. Failure to
set this option will cause manual lease cleanup to fail.
This tool works with all <code>StorageModel</code>s
including <code>Transient</code>. <code>RequestReap</code>
supports lookup of a Blitz JavaSpaces instance via multicast discovery
(just specify the space name) or unicast discovery (specify the lookup
service host and the space name):
<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> dancres<br></pre>

<pre>cd /home/dan/src/jini/space<br>java<br> -classpath /home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:lib/blitz.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:/home/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/sun-util.jar<br> rogue:4160 dancres<br></pre>

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">
<h3>Log Dumping</h3>

<p>This tool can be used offline in a similar fashion to
DumpEntries, to examine Blitz's activity logs allowing the user to form
a picture of exactly what operations were performed during a particular
run. Log Dumping can only be used for persistent instances and includes
details of lease renewals, notification registrations, transactions and

<p>The tool requires a single argument which is the directory
specified in the <code>logDir</code> variable of the
relevant <code>.config</code>. Here's an example:</p>

<pre>java<br> -classpath /Users/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:/Users/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:lib/blitz.jar<br> org.prevayler.implementation.SnapshotPrevaylerImpl<br> /Users/dan/blitz-install/logs/<br></pre>

<p>Note that normally, only successful operations are logged but
it can sometimes be useful to also see failed reads and takes. By
default Blitz does not log these but you can enable it by adding <code>logSearches
= new Boolean(true);</code> to your blitz configuration file.
&nbsp;You may also wish to enable logging of instance counts by
adding <code>logCounts = new Boolean(true);</code> to your blitz configuration file.</p>

<hr align="center" size="3" width="70%">
<h3>Lookup Settings Import</h3>

<p>In accordance with the Jini specifications, Blitz will only read the <code>initial</code>* lookup parameters from it's configuration file on first boot (in transient mode this means the parameters are re-read every boot, whilst persistent modes will deem first boot to occur when there's no previous log or database state present).</p>

<p>Under various circumstances it can be desirable to reset Blitz's internal lookup settings from a configuration file post first-boot.  This <code>ReconfigLookup</code> tool is used to perform this task providing support to selectively import settings from a specified configuration file.</p>
<p><code>ReconfigLookup</code> accepts a path to a configuration file followed by one or more flags indicating which lookup settings to import.  These flags are <code>-groups</code>, <code>-attrs</code>, <code>-locators</code>.  An example usage of this tool appears below:</p>

<pre>java<br> -classpath /Users/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-lib.jar:/Users/dan/jini/jini2_1/lib/jsk-platform.jar:lib/blitz.jar:dbjava/je.jar<br> <br> /Users/dan/blitz/config/blitz.config <br> -groups -attrs -locators<br></pre>
