diff src/org/dancres/blitz/arc/ArcCache.java @ 0:3dc0c5604566

Initial checkin of blitz 2.0 fcs - no installer yet.
author Dan Creswell <dan.creswell@gmail.com>
date Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:00:06 +0000
children b7e52953b7a6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/org/dancres/blitz/arc/ArcCache.java	Sat Mar 21 11:00:06 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+package org.dancres.blitz.arc;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import org.dancres.blitz.Logging;
+import org.dancres.blitz.entry.ci.CacheIndexer;
+import org.dancres.blitz.cache.Identifiable;
+import org.dancres.blitz.cache.Identifier;
+import org.dancres.blitz.cache.Cache;
+import org.dancres.blitz.cache.CacheListener;
+import org.dancres.blitz.cache.CacheListenerSet;
+   A cache which implements ARC (see "ARC: A Self-Tuning, Low Overhead
+   Replacement Cache" in USENIX FAST '03) or, try,
+   <a href="http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/megiddo03arc.html"> CiteSeer</a>. <p>
+ */
+public class ArcCache implements Cache {
+    static Logger theLogger =
+        Logging.newLogger("org.dancres.blitz.arc.cache");
+    /**
+       Used for rapid location of a relevant CBD in memory - saves us scanning
+       lists.
+     */
+    private Map theBlockIndex = new HashMap();
+    private Lru t1 = new Lru(Lru.T1);
+    private Lru t2 = new Lru(Lru.T2);
+    private Lru b1 = new Lru(Lru.B1);
+    private Lru b2 = new Lru(Lru.B2);
+    private int theTargetT1;
+    /**
+       Variable <i>c</i> in the ARC algorithmic description
+     */
+    private int theCacheSize;
+    private BackingStore theStore;
+    private CacheListenerSet theListeners = new CacheListenerSet();
+    public ArcCache(BackingStore aStore, int aCacheSize) {
+        theStore = aStore;
+        theCacheSize = aCacheSize;
+    }
+    public void add(CacheListener aListener) {
+        theListeners.add(aListener);
+    }
+    public int getSize() {
+        return theCacheSize;
+    }
+    /**
+       For recovery purposes, we wish to be able to ensure that something
+       has made it to disk and, if it hasn't, re-insert it to the cache.
+       This is different from insert which is used for those entries which
+       we know are not present on disk.  We must first check disk and,
+       if there's no entry, populate the cache with a new one.
+     */
+    public RecoverySummary recover(Identifiable anIdentifiable)
+        throws IOException {
+        // Try a fetch from disk
+        Identifiable myIdentifiable = theStore.load(anIdentifiable.getId());
+        // Did we get it?
+        if (myIdentifiable == null) {
+            // No, we need to establish a copy in cache from passed version
+            return new RecoverySummary(insert(anIdentifiable), false);
+        } else {
+            /*
+              myIdentifiable contains the up-to-date disk image and this
+              must be inserted into the cache rather than anIdentifiable
+              which should only be used when the disk image was missing.
+            */
+            return new RecoverySummary(find(myIdentifiable.getId(),
+                    myIdentifiable), true);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+       <p> We achieve insert by adding a new memory-only entry into
+       BackingStore using a specific method like prepareToCache(Entry).  We
+       then instruct ArcCache to page-in the Entry which will cause ArcCache to
+       make room and pull the Entry from the BackingStore which, coveniently,
+       has the entry waiting in memory. </p>
+       ONLY call this method for adding Entries which should be treated as
+       newly written.
+     */
+    public CacheBlockDescriptor insert(Identifiable anIdentifiable)
+        throws IOException {
+        CacheBlockDescriptor myCBD = find(anIdentifiable.getId(),
+                                          anIdentifiable);
+        theListeners.signal(CacheListenerSet.LOADED, anIdentifiable);
+        return myCBD;
+    }
+    /**
+       Locate an Identifiable associated with Identifier - loading from
+       disk if necessary.
+       @return a CBD with the lock asserted representing the requested entry.
+       Note that the entry may no longer exist but we allow "non-existence" to
+       be cached because that may also be significant to some application.
+       In such cases, this method will return <code>null</code>.
+     */
+    public CacheBlockDescriptor find(Identifier anId) throws IOException {
+        CacheBlockDescriptor myCBD = find(anId, null);
+        // If Entry isn't present, release CBD and return null to caller.
+        if (myCBD.isEmpty()) {
+            myCBD.release();
+            return null;
+        } else {
+            return myCBD;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+       @param aPreLoad If the identifiable associated with the identifier is
+       not in the cache, make space in the cache and associate aPreLoad with
+       the identifier.
+       @return a CBD with the lock asserted representing the requested entry.
+       Note that the entry may no longer exist but we allow "non-existence" to
+       be cached because that may also be significant to some application.
+       In such cases, getContent() will return null and isEmpty will return
+       true.
+     */
+    private CacheBlockDescriptor find(Identifier anId,
+                                      Identifiable aPreLoad)
+        throws IOException {
+        CacheBlockDescriptor myDesc = null;
+        boolean needsFetch = false;
+        synchronized(this) {
+            myDesc = (CacheBlockDescriptor) theBlockIndex.get(anId);
+            try {
+                // Is it in cache?
+                if (myDesc != null) {
+                    myDesc.acquire();
+                    /*
+                      Consistency check - shouldn't have something in cache
+                      already when we're pre-loading for insert
+                    if (aPreLoad != null)
+                        theLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Hmmm, we're inserting but we appear to have this in cache already :( " + anId + ", " + aPreLoad + ", " + myDesc.getId(), new RuntimeException());
+                    */
+                    switch(myDesc.getWhere()) {
+                        case Lru.T1 :
+                        case Lru.T2 : {
+                            // System.out.println("Cache hit");
+                            remove(myDesc);
+                            t2.mruInsert(myDesc);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case Lru.B1 :
+                        case Lru.B2 : {
+                            /* I/O - no dir change */
+                            // System.out.println("Cache miss [in dir]");
+                            if (myDesc.getWhere() == Lru.B1) {
+                                theTargetT1 =
+                                    Math.min(theTargetT1 +
+                                             Math.max(b2.length() /
+                                                      b1.length(), 1),
+                                             theCacheSize);
+                            } else {
+                                theTargetT1 =
+                                    Math.max(theTargetT1 -
+                                             Math.max(b1.length() /
+                                                      b2.length(), 1),
+                                             0);
+                            }
+                            remove(myDesc);
+                            // Flush an entry from cache
+                            replace();  // I/O
+                            myDesc.setId(anId);
+                            t2.mruInsert(myDesc);
+                            needsFetch = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    /* I/O - dir updated */
+                    // System.out.println("Cache miss");
+                    if ((t1.length() + b1.length()) == theCacheSize) {
+                        if (t1.length() < theCacheSize) {
+                            myDesc = b1.lruRemove();
+                            myDesc.acquire();
+                            replace();  // I/O
+                        } else {
+                            myDesc = t1.lruRemove();
+                            myDesc.acquire();
+                            destage(myDesc);  // I/O
+                        }
+                        theBlockIndex.remove(myDesc.getId());
+                    } else {
+                        if ((t1.length() + t2.length() + b1.length() +
+                             b2.length()) >= theCacheSize) {
+                            if ((t1.length() + t2.length() + b1.length() +
+                                 b2.length()) == (2 * theCacheSize)) {
+                                myDesc = b2.lruRemove();
+                                myDesc.acquire();
+                                theBlockIndex.remove(myDesc.getId());
+                            } else {
+                                myDesc =
+                                    new CacheBlockDescriptor();
+                                myDesc.acquire();
+                            }
+                            replace();  // I/O
+                        } else {
+                            myDesc = new CacheBlockDescriptor();
+                            myDesc.acquire();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    myDesc.setId(anId);
+                    t1.mruInsert(myDesc);
+                    theBlockIndex.put(anId, myDesc);
+                    needsFetch = true;
+                }
+            } catch (InterruptedException anIE) {
+                theLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't lock CDB", anIE);
+            }
+        }
+        if (needsFetch) {
+            myDesc.setContent(fetch(anId, aPreLoad));
+        }
+        return myDesc;
+    }
+    private void remove(CacheBlockDescriptor aDesc) {
+        switch(aDesc.getWhere()) {
+            case Lru.T1 : {
+                t1.remove(aDesc);
+                break;
+            }
+            case Lru.T2 : {
+                t2.remove(aDesc);
+                break;
+            }
+            case Lru.B1 : {
+                b1.remove(aDesc);
+                break;
+            }
+            case Lru.B2 : {
+                b2.remove(aDesc);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+      Flush out another CDB if necessary.  In the original algorithm, we'd also
+      need to rip the discarded CBD's cache page and put it in this CDB.  But,
+      our version holds the object directly on the CDB so we don't need to do
+      this.  Note we're flushing out a CDB in t1 or t2 which means we're
+      removing an entry from the cache to make room for the new one.
+      The one we're making room for could be a phantom hit or a real miss.
+    */
+    private void replace() throws IOException {
+        CacheBlockDescriptor myDesc;
+        try {
+            if (t1.length() >= Math.max(1, theTargetT1)) {
+                myDesc = t1.lruRemove();
+                myDesc.acquire();
+                b1.mruInsert(myDesc);
+            } else {
+                myDesc = t2.lruRemove();
+                myDesc.acquire();
+                b2.mruInsert(myDesc);
+            }
+            destage(myDesc);
+            myDesc.setContent(null);
+            myDesc.release();
+        } catch (InterruptedException anIE) {
+            theLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to lock CBD", anIE);
+        }
+    }
+    private void destage(CacheBlockDescriptor aCBD) throws IOException {
+        // System.out.println("Flush: " + aCBD.getId());
+        theStore.save(aCBD.getContent());
+    }
+    public void dump() {
+        dump(t1);
+        dump(t2);
+        dump(b1);
+        dump(b2);
+    }
+    private void dump(Lru anLru) {
+        synchronized(anLru) {
+            anLru.dump();
+        }
+    }
+    public synchronized void sync() throws IOException {
+        long myStart = 0;
+        if (theLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
+            theLogger.log(Level.FINE, "Syncing: " + theStore.getName());
+            myStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
+        }
+        t1.sync(theStore);
+        t2.sync(theStore);
+        if (theLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
+            long myEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
+            theLogger.log(Level.FINE,
+                "Time to scan lists: " + (myEnd - myStart));
+        }
+    }
+    private Identifiable fetch(Identifier anId, Identifiable aPreLoad)
+        throws IOException {
+        // System.out.println("Fetch: " + anId + ", " + aPreLoad);
+        Identifiable myIdent;
+        if (aPreLoad != null)
+            myIdent = aPreLoad;
+        else
+            myIdent = theStore.load(anId);
+        return myIdent;
+    }
+    public void forceSync(CacheBlockDescriptor aCBD) throws IOException {
+        // System.err.println("Expunge");
+        destage(aCBD);
+        // System.err.println("Expunge done");
+    }