diff src/org/dancres/blitz/SpaceImpl.java @ 0:3dc0c5604566

Initial checkin of blitz 2.0 fcs - no installer yet.
author Dan Creswell <dan.creswell@gmail.com>
date Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:00:06 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/org/dancres/blitz/SpaceImpl.java	Sat Mar 21 11:00:06 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+package org.dancres.blitz;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.rmi.MarshalledObject;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;
+import net.jini.core.transaction.Transaction;
+import net.jini.core.transaction.UnknownTransactionException;
+import net.jini.core.transaction.TransactionException;
+import org.dancres.blitz.mangler.MangledEntry;
+import org.dancres.blitz.entry.EntryRepositoryFactory;
+import org.dancres.blitz.entry.EntryRepository;
+import org.dancres.blitz.entry.OpInfo;
+import org.dancres.blitz.disk.Disk;
+import org.dancres.blitz.disk.DiskTxn;
+import org.dancres.blitz.oid.OID;
+import org.dancres.blitz.util.Time;
+import org.dancres.blitz.task.Tasks;
+import org.dancres.blitz.notify.EventQueue;
+import org.dancres.blitz.notify.QueueEvent;
+import org.dancres.blitz.lease.SpaceUID;
+import org.dancres.blitz.lease.LeaseBounds;
+import org.dancres.blitz.txn.TxnManager;
+import org.dancres.blitz.txn.TxnState;
+import org.dancres.blitz.txn.TxnGateway;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.ConfigurationFactory;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.Fifo;
+import org.dancres.blitz.stats.StatsBoard;
+import org.dancres.blitz.stats.Stat;
+   <p>The core back-end implementation of a space. </p>
+   <p>One of the more subtle responsibilities of this class is that it handles
+   the negotiation of lease durations.  This has implications for remote layers
+   etc. which should expect to pass down an unadulterated lease duration
+   (including <code>Lease.FOREVER</code> and <code>Lease.ANY</code>) and have
+   the space return the actual resultant lease time.  This is true for
+   both initial writes of entry's or notify registrations and future
+   renews.</p>
+   <p>Another responsibility of this class is to ensure that it only
+   returns <code>SpaceUID</code>s which are space-global unique identifiers.
+   There are a number of different resources managed by the space core which
+   each have their own locally unique identifiers.  Thus the core wraps these
+   in appropriate <code>SpaceUID</code> implementations before returning
+   them.</p>
+   <p>The various <code>SpaceUID</code> implementations can be used as the
+   target of lease renewal and cancel operations.  Each implementation,
+   typically has it's own <code>LeaseHandler</code> implementation which is
+   registered with <code>LeaseHandlers</code> and has the renewal/cancel
+   operations delegated to it.</p>
+   <p><code>Entry</code>s are managed by EntryRepository instances.</p>
+   <p><code>notify</code>s are delegated to EventQueue.</p>
+   @see org.dancres.blitz.lease.SpaceUID
+   @see org.dancres.blitz.lease.LeaseHandler
+   @see org.dancres.blitz.lease.LeaseHandlers
+   @see org.dancres.blitz.entry.EntryRepository
+   @see org.dancres.blitz.notify.EventQueue
+ */
+public class SpaceImpl {
+    static final Logger theLogger =
+        Logging.newLogger("org.dancres.blitz.SpaceImpl", Level.INFO);
+    private TxnControl theTxnController = new TxnControlImpl();
+    private LeaseControl theLeaseController = new LeaseControlImpl();
+    private long theStartTime;
+    private boolean isSynchronousNotify = false;
+    public SpaceImpl(TxnGateway aGateway) throws Exception {
+        VersionInfo.dump();
+        theStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+        long myDebugCycle =
+            ((Long)
+             ConfigurationFactory.getEntry("statsDump",
+                                           long.class,
+                                           new Long(0))).longValue();
+        isSynchronousNotify = ((Boolean)
+                ConfigurationFactory.getEntry("syncNotifyOnWrite",
+                                              boolean.class,
+                                              new Boolean(false))).booleanValue();
+        theLogger.info("Synchrounous Notifies: " + isSynchronousNotify);
+        StatsDumper.start(myDebugCycle);
+        TxnManager.init(aGateway);
+        // Make sure EventQueue is hooked up
+        EventQueue.get();
+        // Activate threads etc. only after TxnManager is initialised so
+        // state has been recovered/is stable.
+        //
+        ActiveObjectRegistry.startAll();
+        // HACK: Ensure root repository is loaded because that publishes
+        // the known types stats (we shouldn't know this!)
+        EntryRepositoryFactory.get().get(EntryRepository.ROOT_TYPE);
+    }
+    public WriteTicket write(MangledEntry anEntry, Transaction aTxn,
+                             long aLeaseTime)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        TxnState myJiniTxn = TxnManager.get().resolve(aTxn);
+        long myLeaseTime =
+            Time.getAbsoluteTime(LeaseBounds.boundWrite(aLeaseTime));
+        EntryRepository myRepos =
+            EntryRepositoryFactory.get().get(anEntry.getType());
+        if (myRepos.noSchemaDefined()) {
+            DiskTxn myTxn = DiskTxn.newTxn();
+            myRepos.setFields(anEntry.getFields());
+            /*
+              Update parent repositories - each parent needs to know about
+              this subtype
+            */
+            String[] myParents = anEntry.tearOffParents();
+            for (int i = 0; i < myParents.length; i++) {
+                EntryRepository myParentRepos =
+                    EntryRepositoryFactory.get().get(myParents[i]);
+                myParentRepos.addSubtype(anEntry.getType());
+            }
+            myTxn.commit();
+        }
+        /*
+          Invoke write on the repository and then bundle up the OID into
+          an appropriate Lease form?
+        */
+        OID myOID;
+        WriteEscortImpl myEscort = new WriteEscortImpl(myJiniTxn);
+        myRepos.write(anEntry, myLeaseTime, myEscort);
+        OpInfo myResult = myEscort.getInfo();
+        myOID = myResult.getOID();
+        /*
+          Post an event for notifies and blockers
+        */
+        QueueEvent myEvent =
+            new QueueEvent(QueueEvent.ENTRY_WRITE,
+                myJiniTxn,
+                new QueueEvent.Context(anEntry, myOID));
+        if (isSynchronousNotify)
+            EventQueue.get().add(myEvent, true);
+        else
+            EventQueue.get().add(myEvent);
+        // For null transactions we must issue the commit
+        if (myJiniTxn.isNull())
+            TxnManager.get().prepareAndCommit(myJiniTxn);
+        SpaceUID mySUID = new SpaceEntryUID(anEntry.getType(), myOID);
+        return new WriteTicketImpl(mySUID, myLeaseTime);
+    }
+    private MangledEntry find(MangledEntry anEntry, Transaction aTxn,
+                              long aWaitTime, boolean doTake, boolean ifExists)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        MangledEntry myEntry = null;
+        TxnState myJiniTxn = TxnManager.get().resolve(aTxn);
+        EntryRepository myRepos =
+            EntryRepositoryFactory.get().find(anEntry.getType());
+        SingleMatchTask myTask;
+        VisitorBaulkedPartyFactory myFactory;
+        if (ifExists)
+            myFactory = new ExistsFactory();
+        else
+            myFactory = new SearchFactory();
+        if ((myRepos == null) ||
+            (myRepos.getConstraints().get(Fifo.class) == null)) {
+            /*
+              If repos doesn't yet exist, we're running on a first come
+              first served basis - it only makes sense to perform enforce
+              fifo when we've accrued some live Entry's in storage where
+              we wish to select those ahead of incoming matches.
+              In terms of priority for incoming matches, SearchTasks natural
+              order will ensure that the oldest blocking task gets the incoming
+              matches before anyone else
+            */
+            myTask = new SearchVisitorImpl(anEntry, doTake,
+                                           myJiniTxn, myFactory);
+        } else {
+            myTask = new FifoSearchVisitorImpl(anEntry, doTake,
+                                               myJiniTxn, myFactory);
+        }
+        if (myRepos != null) {
+            myRepos.find(anEntry, myTask.getVisitor());
+            if (myTask.wouldBlock()) {
+                // Try subtypes
+                String[] mySubtypes = myRepos.getSubtypes();
+                for (int i = 0; i < mySubtypes.length; i++) {
+                    myRepos = EntryRepositoryFactory.get().find(mySubtypes[i]);
+                    if (myRepos != null) {
+                        myRepos.find(anEntry, myTask.getVisitor());
+                        // If we got a match from the search (or it could
+                        // have come from a recent write)
+                        if (!myTask.wouldBlock())
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Don't bother as the only sensible thing to do is wait
+            // which will happen below
+        }
+        try {
+            // Result waiting?
+            if (!myTask.wouldBlock())
+                myEntry = myTask.getEntry(0);
+            else {
+                // Will optionally force early exit if there were no conflicts
+                myFactory.enableResolutionSignal();
+                myEntry =
+                    myTask.getEntry(Time.getWaitTime(aWaitTime));
+            }
+        } catch (InterruptedException anIE) {
+            throw new TransactionException("Search interrupted");
+        } catch (TransactionException aTE) {
+            if (myJiniTxn.isNull())
+                TxnManager.get().abort(myJiniTxn);
+            throw aTE;
+        }
+        // If we started the txn we MUST finish it, entry or not
+        if (myJiniTxn.isNull()) {
+            TxnManager.get().prepareAndCommit(myJiniTxn);
+        }
+        return myEntry;
+    }
+    public MangledEntry take(MangledEntry anEntry, Transaction aTxn,
+                             long aWaitTime)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        return find(anEntry, aTxn, aWaitTime, true, false);
+    }
+    public MangledEntry read(MangledEntry anEntry, Transaction aTxn,
+                             long aWaitTime)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        return find(anEntry, aTxn, aWaitTime, false, false);
+    }
+    public MangledEntry takeIfExists(MangledEntry anEntry, Transaction aTxn,
+                                     long aWaitTime)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        return find(anEntry, aTxn, aWaitTime, true, true);
+    }
+    public MangledEntry readIfExists(MangledEntry anEntry, Transaction aTxn,
+                                     long aWaitTime)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        return find(anEntry, aTxn, aWaitTime, false, true);
+    }
+    public RegTicket notify(MangledEntry aTemplate, Transaction aTxn,
+                            RemoteEventListener aListener, long aLeaseTime,
+                            MarshalledObject aHandback)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        TxnState myState = null;
+        if (aTxn != null) {
+            try {
+                myState = TxnManager.get().getTxnFor(aTxn, false);
+            } catch (UnknownTransactionException aUTE) {
+                throw new TransactionException();
+            }
+        }
+        long myLeaseTime =
+            Time.getAbsoluteTime(LeaseBounds.boundNotify(aLeaseTime));
+        RegTicketImpl myTicket =
+            new RegTicketImpl(myLeaseTime);
+        EventQueue.get().register(aTemplate, myState, aListener,
+                                  myLeaseTime, aHandback, myTicket);
+        return myTicket;
+    }
+    public RegTicket visibility(MangledEntry[] aTemplates, Transaction aTxn,
+                                RemoteEventListener aListener, long aLeaseTime,
+                                MarshalledObject aHandback, boolean visibleOnly)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        TxnState myState = null;
+        if (aTxn != null) {
+            try {
+                myState = TxnManager.get().getTxnFor(aTxn, false);
+            } catch (UnknownTransactionException aUTE) {
+                throw new TransactionException();
+            }
+        }
+        long myLeaseTime =
+            Time.getAbsoluteTime(LeaseBounds.boundNotify(aLeaseTime));
+        RegTicketImpl myTicket =
+            new RegTicketImpl(myLeaseTime);
+        EventQueue.get().registerVisibility(aTemplates, myState, aListener,
+                                            myLeaseTime, aHandback, myTicket,
+                                            visibleOnly);
+        return myTicket;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Call this method to obtain a collection of matches available within the
+     * currently active instance against the specified templates.
+     *
+     * @param holdLocks if <code>true</code> indicates that read locks should
+     * be held against the specified transaction rather than just tested
+     * @param shouldUpdate if <code>true</code> will cause this view to be
+     * dynamically updated with new writes after initial scan of contents
+     * @param aMax is the maximum number of Entry's to return
+     */
+    public EntryView getView(MangledEntry[] aTemplates, Transaction aTxn,
+                             boolean holdLocks, boolean shouldUpdate, long aMax)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        return new EntryViewImpl(aTxn, aTemplates, holdLocks,
+            shouldUpdate, aMax);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Call this method to obtain a collection of matches available within the
+     * currently active instance against the specified templates.  The view
+     * returned will be dynamically updated.
+     *
+     * @param holdLocks if <code>true</code> indicates that read locks should
+     * be held against the specified transaction rather than just tested
+     * @param aMax is the maximum number of Entry's to return
+     *
+     */
+    public EntryView getView(MangledEntry[] aTemplates, Transaction aTxn,
+                             boolean holdLocks, long aMax)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        return new EntryViewImpl(aTxn, aTemplates, holdLocks, true, aMax);
+    }
+    public List write(List aMangledEntries,
+                      Transaction aTxn,
+                      List aLeaseTimes)
+        throws IOException, TransactionException {
+        ArrayList myTickets = new ArrayList();
+        TxnState myJiniTxn = TxnManager.get().resolve(aTxn);
+        WriteEscortImpl myEscort = new WriteEscortImpl(myJiniTxn);
+        int myLast = aMangledEntries.size() - 1;
+        for (int i = 0; i < aMangledEntries.size(); i++) {
+            MangledEntry myEntry = (MangledEntry) aMangledEntries.get(i);
+            long myLongLease = ((Long) aLeaseTimes.get(i)).longValue();
+            EntryRepository myRepos =
+                EntryRepositoryFactory.get().get(myEntry.getType());
+            if (myRepos.noSchemaDefined()) {
+                DiskTxn myTxn = DiskTxn.newTxn();
+                myRepos.setFields(myEntry.getFields());
+                /*
+                  Update parent repositories - each parent needs to know about
+                  this subtype
+                */
+                String[] myParents = myEntry.tearOffParents();
+                for (int j = 0; j < myParents.length; j++) {
+                    EntryRepository myParentRepos =
+                        EntryRepositoryFactory.get().get(myParents[j]);
+                    myParentRepos.addSubtype(myEntry.getType());
+                }
+                myTxn.commit();
+            }
+            /*
+              Invoke write on the repository and then bundle up the OID into
+              an appropriate Lease form?
+            */
+            OID myOID;
+            long myLeaseTime =
+                Time.getAbsoluteTime(LeaseBounds.boundWrite(myLongLease));
+            myRepos.write(myEntry, myLeaseTime, myEscort);
+            OpInfo myResult = myEscort.getInfo();
+            myOID = myResult.getOID();
+            /*
+              Post an event for notifies and blockers
+            */
+            QueueEvent myEvent =
+                    new QueueEvent(QueueEvent.ENTRY_WRITE,
+                            myJiniTxn,
+                            new QueueEvent.Context(myEntry, myOID));
+            /*
+              Only need to post synchronously on the last write
+            */
+            if ((isSynchronousNotify) && (i == myLast))
+                EventQueue.get().add(myEvent, true);
+            else
+                EventQueue.get().add(myEvent);
+            SpaceUID mySUID = new SpaceEntryUID(myEntry.getType(), myOID);
+            myTickets.add(new WriteTicketImpl(mySUID, myLeaseTime));
+        }
+        if (myJiniTxn.isNull()) {
+            TxnManager.get().prepareAndCommit(myJiniTxn);
+        }
+        return myTickets;
+     }
+     public List take(MangledEntry[] aTemplates,
+                      Transaction aTxn,
+                      long aWaitTime,
+                      long aLimit)
+         throws TransactionException, IOException {
+         TxnState myJiniTxn = TxnManager.get().resolve(aTxn);
+         BulkMatchTask myVisitor =
+             new BulkTakeVisitor(aTemplates, myJiniTxn, aLimit,
+                 new SearchFactory());
+         EntryRepository myRepos;
+         // For each template
+         for (int i = 0; i < aTemplates.length; i++) {
+             myRepos =
+                 EntryRepositoryFactory.get().find(aTemplates[i].getType());
+             // If we have a repository rooted at the type
+             if (myRepos != null) {
+                 myRepos.find(aTemplates[i], myVisitor.getVisitor());
+                 // Did we satisfy the visitor already?
+                 if (myVisitor.wantsMore()) {
+                     // If not, try subtypes of the current type
+                     String[] mySubtypes = myRepos.getSubtypes();
+                     for (int j = 0; j < mySubtypes.length; j++) {
+                         myRepos =
+                             EntryRepositoryFactory.get().find(mySubtypes[j]);
+                         if (myRepos != null) {
+                             myRepos.find(aTemplates[i], myVisitor.getVisitor());
+                             if (!myVisitor.wantsMore())
+                                 break;
+                         }
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+             if (!myVisitor.wantsMore())
+                 break;
+         }
+         try {
+             if (!myVisitor.wouldBlock())
+                 return myVisitor.getEntries(0);
+             else {
+                 return myVisitor.getEntries(Time.getWaitTime(aWaitTime));
+             }
+         } catch (InterruptedException anIE) {
+             throw new TransactionException("Search interrupted");
+         } finally {
+             if (myJiniTxn.isNull())
+                 TxnManager.get().prepareAndCommit(myJiniTxn);
+         }
+     }
+    public LeaseControl getLeaseControl() {
+        return theLeaseController;
+    }
+    public TxnControl getTxnControl() {
+        return theTxnController;
+    }
+    public void stop() throws Exception {
+        ActiveObjectRegistry.stopAll();
+        Disk.sync();
+        Disk.stop();
+        theLogger.log(Level.INFO, "Dumping stats");
+        Stat[] myStats = StatsBoard.get().getStats();
+        for (int i = 0; i < myStats.length; i++) {
+            theLogger.log(Level.INFO, myStats[i].getId() + ", " + myStats[i]);
+        }
+        theLogger.log(Level.INFO, "Blitz core halted after: " +
+                           (System.currentTimeMillis() - theStartTime) +
+                           " ms");
+    }
+    /**
+       Clear out all Entry's including schema information.
+       This is necessarily very destructive as it aborts operations and
+       open transactions and deletes a lot of underlying database state.
+       @todo Need to replace the use of SearchTasks.destroy() - should be
+       possible via the transaction abort all route - need to check
+     */
+    public void empty() throws IOException {
+        // Kill outstanding search tasks because we plan to drop schema
+        // and thus their templates are rendered invalid
+        // SearchTasks.get().destroy();
+        // Abort all transactions to release locks
+        TxnManager.get().abortAll();
+        EntryRepositoryFactory.get().deleteAllEntrys();
+        // Checkpoint
+        TxnManager.get().requestSyncCheckpoint();
+        EntryRepositoryFactory.get().deleteAllRepos();
+    }
+    /**
+       Triggers a manual reap in a new thread
+     */
+    public void reap() {
+        Thread myReaper =
+            new Thread(new Runnable() {
+                    public void run() {
+                        EntryRepositoryFactory.reap();
+                    }
+                });
+        myReaper.start();
+    }