diff config/blitz.config.fast @ 0:3dc0c5604566

Initial checkin of blitz 2.0 fcs - no installer yet.
author Dan Creswell <dan.creswell@gmail.com>
date Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:00:06 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config/blitz.config.fast	Sat Mar 21 11:00:06 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryGroupManagement;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
+import net.jini.security.BasicProxyPreparer;
+import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;
+import net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint;
+import net.jini.jeri.ProxyTrustILFactory;
+import net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory;
+import net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter;
+import net.jini.jrmp.JrmpExporter;
+import org.dancres.blitz.stats.Switch;
+import org.dancres.blitz.stats.OpSwitch;
+import org.dancres.blitz.stats.InstanceSwitch;
+import org.dancres.blitz.remote.debug.DebugILFactory;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.Persistent;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.TimeBarrierPersistent;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.Transient;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.EntryConstraint;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.CacheSize;
+import org.dancres.blitz.config.Fifo;
+import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
+org.dancres.blitz {
+    // EXPERIMENTAL - fast low-level socket transport - no security etc
+    // DO NOT touch this unless you know what you're doing!
+    //
+    // fastChannel = new InetSocketAddress("", 0);
+    // disableBitmaps = new Boolean(true);
+    // In cases where searches are not producing matches, enable this, restart
+    // blitz in persistent mode and re-run the app.  Then use the log dumper
+    // (see tooldocs) to give diagnostic output re: blitz's actions
+    //
+    // logSearches = new Boolean(true);
+    // ignoreLogConfig = new Boolean(true);
+    // Default logging level
+    //
+    // defaultLogLevel = Level.SEVERE;
+    // Example of setting log levels for specific components
+    //
+    // org_dancres_blitz_disk_DiskLogLevel = Level.INFO;
+    // Published on the proxy as a Name attribute
+    //
+    name = "dancres";
+    // Set this to a LoginContext instance when you wish to run the server
+    // as a particular principle
+    //
+    // loginContext =
+    // Location to store meta info and entrys.
+    // NOTE: Each concurrent Blitz instance should use a different directory
+    // for it's logs and persistent state - if this isn't done
+    // "bad things will happen" (TM)
+    //
+    persistDir = "/Users/dan/src/jini/blitz_1_26/dbfiles_dancres";
+    // Location of log files - SHOULD BE DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE
+    //
+    logDir = "/Volumes/log/dan/prevlog/";
+    // Maximum number of async write threads
+    // (YET!)
+    //
+    maxWriteThreads = 1;
+    // How long to keep write threads alive in the pool
+    //
+    // threadKeepalive = 15000;
+    // The preferred queue size for pending writes
+    //
+    desiredPendingWrites = 500;
+    // Size of the berkeley DB cache
+    //
+    dbCache = 16777216;
+    // dbCache = 33554432;
+    // dbCache = 134217728;
+    // Configures the maximum number of concurrent Db transactions
+    // Bigger is better!  This value has been validated for 64 concurrent
+    // JavaSpace operations
+    //
+    maxDbTxns = 256;
+    // Dump Db statistics after every checkpoint if this is true
+    // WARNING: dumping stats is broken in 4.1.25 - 
+    // ask Dan (dan@dancres.org) for a patch.  This should be fixed in Db 4.2,
+    // will test and then post an update to the website
+    //
+    dumpDbStats = new Boolean(false);
+    // Dump statistics for write queue usage
+    // When tuning/configuring Blitz for various systems, these stats help
+    // to determine I/O performance requirements and required memory
+    //
+    dumpWQStats = new Boolean(false);
+    // Turn this on to get reports on checkpointing behaviour - useful for
+    // tuning
+    logCkpts = new Boolean(true);
+    // Maximum number of entry instances to cache for a particular Entry type
+    //
+    entryReposCacheSize = 4096;
+    // entryReposCacheSize = 512;
+    // Enable generic readahead for all types by setting this to non-zero.
+    // Actual value determines how many Entry's will be loaded from disk
+    // when readahead is activated.  Note this value should be smaller than
+    // cache size.  As per cache size above, this can be set per Entry using
+    // EntryConstraints as below for FIFO.
+    //
+    // entryReposReadahead = 512;
+    // Type specific constraints - define a variable using the classname of
+    // the type, replaceing . or $ with _.  The variable should then be
+    // initialized to an array of EntryConstraints specifying requirements.
+    // Note, if you wish to enable FIFO, reduce pendingWrites queue
+    //
+    // org_dancres_blitz_remote_test_SpaceFifonessTest_TestEntry =
+    //    new EntryConstraint[] {new CacheSize(512), new Fifo()};
+    // org_dancres_blitz_SpaceFifonessTest_TestEntry =
+    //    new EntryConstraint[] {new CacheSize(512), new Fifo()};
+    // Non-blocking transactions are used within the entry package to
+    // prevent deadlock.  Such transactions can fail and require aborting
+    // should they fail to get a lock.  When this happens, the thread
+    // attempting the transaction will backoff by an amount of time dictated
+    // by base_backoff + Random(jitter) ms which should allow the conflicting
+    // transaction time to complete.  Format is {base_backoff, jitter}
+    loadBackoff = new int[] {20, 50};
+    // The maximum allowable lease time for entries and notify registrations
+    // To permit Lease.FOREVER, set the LeaseBound = 0.
+    // To deny Lease.FOREVER and set an upper limit on lease time set the
+    // LeaseBound to a positive non-zero value in milliseconds
+    //
+    entryLeaseBound = 0;
+    notifyLeaseBound = 0;
+    // How often to do an active cleanup of lease expired resources
+    // Value should be ms - 0 disables active cleanup.  Normally, Blitz
+    // uses read/take activity to do cleanup (passive).  If memory or
+    // disk resource is scarce, configure this to non-zero to activate more
+    // aggressive cleaning (which, in turn, is more CPU aggressive).
+    //
+    leaseReapInterval = 0;
+    // leaseReapInterval = 1800000;
+    // Number of OID allocators to use for entries
+    maxOidAllocators = 512;
+    // How often to log event allocation to disk
+    //
+    eventgenSaveInterval = 50;
+    // How big a jump in notify sequence numbers there should be following
+    // restart/crash
+    //
+    eventgenRestartJump = 1000;
+    // Maximum number of task threads to be used in posting remote events
+    // and dispatching blocked takes or reads
+    //
+    maxTaskThreads = 10;
+    // storageModel = new Transient();
+    // storageModel = new TimeBarrierPersistent(true, true, 10000, 524288, 10000);
+    // Persistent storage settings
+    // Note:  The third parameter (batching time) can radically affect 
+    // throughput in concurrent conditions.  You're advised to try various
+    // settings for your desired load as variations in OS and hard-disk
+    // performance determine what is appropriate for each machine.
+    //
+    // A safe setting to start with is 10ms but you might also wish to try 0ms
+    // Use this setting for local/embedded usage
+    //
+    // For raw, single-threaded benchmarks, use 0 log buffering time
+    // storageModel = new Persistent(true, true, 0, true, 10000, 32768);
+    storageModel = new Persistent(true, true, 0, true, 10000, 131072);
+    // For concurrent benchmark or application use non-zero log buffering time
+    // storageModel = new Persistent(true, true, 10, true, 10000, 32768);
+    debugPort = 0;
+    // Enable standard destroy semantics - by default, Blitz does NOT
+    // delete state at destroy.  Enable that feature here and invoke
+    // BlitzAdmin::shutdown to perform a shutdown whilst retaining state
+    compliantDestroy = new Boolean(false);
+    // Default Stats to make available
+    stats = new Switch[] {new OpSwitch(OpSwitch.ALL_TYPES,
+    		OpSwitch.TAKE_OPS, true),
+    		new OpSwitch(OpSwitch.ALL_TYPES, OpSwitch.READ_OPS, true),
+    		new OpSwitch(OpSwitch.ALL_TYPES, OpSwitch.WRITE_OPS, true),
+    		new InstanceSwitch(InstanceSwitch.ALL_TYPES, true)};
+    // The initial lookup groups to register with - after first boot
+    // this information is held in a meta database and should be configured
+    // via JoinAdmin
+    //
+    // initialGroups = new String[]{};
+    // initialGroups = new String[]{"JERI_Group1"};
+    // initialGroups = DiscoveryGroupManagement.ALL_GROUPS;
+    // The initial lookup locators to register with - after first boot
+    // this information is held in a meta database and should be configured
+    // via JoinAdmin
+    //
+    // initialLocators = new LookupLocator[] {new LookupLocator("jini://rogue/")};
+    // The initial attributes to register with - note that these need to be
+    // available as part of the codebase.
+    // This information is held in a meta database and should be configured
+    // via JoinAdmin
+    //
+    // initialAttrs = new Entry[] {};
+    // The exporter to use - see the JINI documentation
+    //
+    serverExporter = new BasicJeriExporter(
+			  TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance("", 0),
+                          new ProxyTrustILFactory(null, null), false, true);
+    // This will enable the inbuilt debugging layer which displays client-side
+    // method invocations and provides timing data
+    //
+    // serverExporter = new BasicJeriExporter(TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0),
+    //                     new DebugILFactory(null, null), false, true);
+    // For ACTIVATION, we must nest a normal exporter inside an activation
+    // exporter instance.
+    //
+    // exporter= new BasicJeriExporter(TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0),
+    //                                 new ProxyTrustILFactory(null, null), false, true);
+    //use an ActivationExporter to create a persistent ref 	
+    // serverExporter= new ActivationExporter((ActivationID) $data,exporter);
+    // Enables the in-built loopback transaction manager - note the manager
+    // can only be used to co-ordinate transactions against this blitz instance
+    // it cannot co-ordinate multiple and/or remote participants such as other
+    // Blitz instances [EXPERIMENTAL]
+    //
+    // loopbackTxnExporter =
+    //     new BasicJeriExporter(TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0),
+    //          new BasicILFactory(null, null), false, true);
+    // Blitz provides a suitable default for all these but this is how you'd
+    // configure them explicitly
+    //
+    notifyPreparer = new BasicProxyPreparer();
+    recoveredNotifyPreparer = new BasicProxyPreparer();
+    txnPreparer = new BasicProxyPreparer();
+    recoveredTxnPreparer = new BasicProxyPreparer();
+    activationIdPreparer = new BasicProxyPreparer();
+    activationSysPreparer = new BasicProxyPreparer();