comparison src/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/ @ 0:3dc0c5604566

Initial checkin of blitz 2.0 fcs - no installer yet.
author Dan Creswell <>
date Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:00:06 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3dc0c5604566
1 /*
2 File:
4 Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
5 This may be used for any purposes whatsoever without acknowledgment.
6 Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs,
7 and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.
9 History:
10 Date Who What
11 7Jan1999 dl First public release
12 13Jan1999 dl correct a stat counter update;
13 ensure inactive status on run termination;
14 misc minor cleaup
15 14Jan1999 dl Use random starting point in scan;
16 variable renamings.
17 18Jan1999 dl Runloop allowed to die on task exception;
18 remove useless timed join
19 22Jan1999 dl Rework scan to allow use of priorities.
20 6Feb1999 dl Documentation updates.
21 7Mar1999 dl Add array-based coInvoke
22 31Mar1999 dl Revise scan to remove need for NullTasks
23 27Apr1999 dl Renamed
24 23oct1999 dl Earlier detect of interrupt in scanWhileIdling
25 24nov1999 dl Now works on JVMs that do not properly
26 implement read-after-write of 2 volatiles.
27 */
29 package EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent;
31 import java.util.Random;
33 /**
34 * Specialized Thread subclass for running FJTasks.
35 * <p>
36 * Each FJTaskRunner keeps FJTasks in a double-ended queue (DEQ).
37 * Double-ended queues support stack-based operations
38 * push and pop, as well as queue-based operations put and take.
39 * Normally, threads run their own tasks. But they
40 * may also steal tasks from each others DEQs.
41 * <p>
42 * The algorithms are minor variants of those used
43 * in <A href=""> Cilk</A> and
44 * <A href=""> Hood</A>, and
45 * to a lesser extent
46 * <A href=""> Filaments</A>,
47 * but are adapted to work in Java.
48 * <p>
49 * The two most important capabilities are:
50 * <ul>
51 * <li> Fork a FJTask:
52 * <pre>
53 * Push task onto DEQ
54 * </pre>
55 * <li> Get a task to run (for example within taskYield)
56 * <pre>
57 * If DEQ is not empty,
58 * Pop a task and run it.
59 * Else if any other DEQ is not empty,
60 * Take ("steal") a task from it and run it.
61 * Else if the entry queue for our group is not empty,
62 * Take a task from it and run it.
63 * Else if current thread is otherwise idling
64 * If all threads are idling
65 * Wait for a task to be put on group entry queue
66 * Else
67 * Yield or Sleep for a while, and then retry
68 * </pre>
69 * </ul>
70 * The push, pop, and put are designed to only ever called by the
71 * current thread, and take (steal) is only ever called by
72 * other threads.
73 * All other operations are composites and variants of these,
74 * plus a few miscellaneous bookkeeping methods.
75 * <p>
76 * Implementations of the underlying representations and operations
77 * are geared for use on JVMs operating on multiple CPUs (although
78 * they should of course work fine on single CPUs as well).
79 * <p>
80 * A possible snapshot of a FJTaskRunner's DEQ is:
81 * <pre>
82 * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
83 * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--
84 * | | t | t | t | t | | | ... deq array
85 * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--
86 * ^ ^
87 * base top
88 * (incremented (incremented
89 * on take, on push
90 * decremented decremented
91 * on put) on pop)
92 * </pre>
93 * <p>
94 * FJTasks are held in elements of the DEQ.
95 * They are maintained in a bounded array that
96 * works similarly to a circular bounded buffer. To ensure
97 * visibility of stolen FJTasks across threads, the array elements
98 * must be <code>volatile</code>.
99 * Using volatile rather than synchronizing suffices here since
100 * each task accessed by a thread is either one that it
101 * created or one that has never seen before. Thus we cannot
102 * encounter any staleness problems executing run methods,
103 * although FJTask programmers must be still sure to either synch or use
104 * volatile for shared data within their run methods.
105 * <p>
106 * However, since there is no way
107 * to declare an array of volatiles in Java, the DEQ elements actually
108 * hold VolatileTaskRef objects, each of which in turn holds a
109 * volatile reference to a FJTask.
110 * Even with the double-indirection overhead of
111 * volatile refs, using an array for the DEQ works out
112 * better than linking them since fewer shared
113 * memory locations need to be
114 * touched or modified by the threads while using the DEQ.
115 * Further, the double indirection may alleviate cache-line
116 * sharing effects (which cannot otherwise be directly dealt with in Java).
117 * <p>
118 * The indices for the <code>base</code> and <code>top</code> of the DEQ
119 * are declared as volatile. The main contention point with
120 * multiple FJTaskRunner threads occurs when one thread is trying
121 * to pop its own stack while another is trying to steal from it.
122 * This is handled via a specialization of Dekker's algorithm,
123 * in which the popping thread pre-decrements <code>top</code>,
124 * and then checks it against <code>base</code>.
125 * To be conservative in the face of JVMs that only partially
126 * honor the specification for volatile, the pop proceeds
127 * without synchronization only if there are apparently enough
128 * items for both a simultaneous pop and take to succeed.
129 * It otherwise enters a
130 * synchronized lock to check if the DEQ is actually empty,
131 * if so failing. The stealing thread
132 * does almost the opposite, but is set up to be less likely
133 * to win in cases of contention: Steals always run under synchronized
134 * locks in order to avoid conflicts with other ongoing steals.
135 * They pre-increment <code>base</code>, and then check against
136 * <code>top</code>. They back out (resetting the base index
137 * and failing to steal) if the
138 * DEQ is empty or is about to become empty by an ongoing pop.
139 * <p>
140 * A push operation can normally run concurrently with a steal.
141 * A push enters a synch lock only if the DEQ appears full so must
142 * either be resized or have indices adjusted due to wrap-around
143 * of the bounded DEQ. The put operation always requires synchronization.
144 * <p>
145 * When a FJTaskRunner thread has no tasks of its own to run,
146 * it tries to be a good citizen.
147 * Threads run at lower priority while scanning for work.
148 * <p>
149 * If the task is currently waiting
150 * via yield, the thread alternates scans (starting at a randomly
151 * chosen victim) with Thread.yields. This is
152 * well-behaved so long as the JVM handles Thread.yield in a
153 * sensible fashion. (It need not. Thread.yield is so underspecified
154 * that it is legal for a JVM to treat it as a no-op.) This also
155 * keeps things well-behaved even if we are running on a uniprocessor
156 * JVM using a simple cooperative threading model.
157 * <p>
158 * If a thread needing work is
159 * is otherwise idle (which occurs only in the main runloop), and
160 * there are no available tasks to steal or poll, it
161 * instead enters into a sleep-based (actually timed wait(msec))
162 * phase in which it progressively sleeps for longer durations
163 * (up to a maximum of FJTaskRunnerGroup.MAX_SLEEP_TIME,
164 * currently 100ms) between scans.
165 * If all threads in the group
166 * are idling, they further progress to a hard wait phase, suspending
167 * until a new task is entered into the FJTaskRunnerGroup entry queue.
168 * A sleeping FJTaskRunner thread may be awakened by a new
169 * task being put into the group entry queue or by another FJTaskRunner
170 * becoming active, but not merely by some DEQ becoming non-empty.
171 * Thus the MAX_SLEEP_TIME provides a bound for sleep durations
172 * in cases where all but one worker thread start sleeping
173 * even though there will eventually be work produced
174 * by a thread that is taking a long time to place tasks in DEQ.
175 * These sleep mechanics are handled in the FJTaskRunnerGroup class.
176 * <p>
177 * Composite operations such as taskJoin include heavy
178 * manual inlining of the most time-critical operations
179 * (mainly FJTask.invoke).
180 * This opens up a few opportunities for further hand-optimizations.
181 * Until Java compilers get a lot smarter, these tweaks
182 * improve performance significantly enough for task-intensive
183 * programs to be worth the poorer maintainability and code duplication.
184 * <p>
185 * Because they are so fragile and performance-sensitive, nearly
186 * all methods are declared as final. However, nearly all fields
187 * and methods are also declared as protected, so it is possible,
188 * with much care, to extend functionality in subclasses. (Normally
189 * you would also need to subclass FJTaskRunnerGroup.)
190 * <p>
191 * None of the normal java.lang.Thread class methods should ever be called
192 * on FJTaskRunners. For this reason, it might have been nicer to
193 * declare FJTaskRunner as a Runnable to run within a Thread. However,
194 * this would have complicated many minor logistics. And since
195 * no FJTaskRunner methods should normally be called from outside the
196 * FJTask and FJTaskRunnerGroup classes either, this decision doesn't impact
197 * usage.
198 * <p>
199 * You might think that layering this kind of framework on top of
200 * Java threads, which are already several levels removed from raw CPU
201 * scheduling on most systems, would lead to very poor performance.
202 * But on the platforms
203 * tested, the performance is quite good.
204 * <p>[<a href=""> Introduction to this package. </a>]
205 * @see FJTask
206 * @see FJTaskRunnerGroup
207 **/
209 public class FJTaskRunner extends Thread {
211 /** The group of which this FJTaskRunner is a member **/
212 protected final FJTaskRunnerGroup group;
214 /**
215 * Constructor called only during FJTaskRunnerGroup initialization
216 **/
218 protected FJTaskRunner(FJTaskRunnerGroup g) {
219 group = g;
220 victimRNG = new Random(System.identityHashCode(this));
221 runPriority = getPriority();
222 setDaemon(true);
223 }
225 /**
226 * Return the FJTaskRunnerGroup of which this thread is a member
227 **/
229 protected final FJTaskRunnerGroup getGroup() { return group; }
232 /* ------------ DEQ Representation ------------------- */
235 /**
236 * FJTasks are held in an array-based DEQ with INITIAL_CAPACITY
237 * elements. The DEQ is grown if necessary, but default value is
238 * normally much more than sufficient unless there are
239 * user programming errors or questionable operations generating
240 * large numbers of Tasks without running them.
241 * Capacities must be a power of two.
242 **/
244 protected static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 4096;
246 /**
247 * The maximum supported DEQ capacity.
248 * When exceeded, FJTaskRunner operations throw Errors
249 **/
251 protected static final int MAX_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;
253 /**
254 * An object holding a single volatile reference to a FJTask.
255 **/
257 protected final static class VolatileTaskRef {
258 /** The reference **/
259 protected volatile FJTask ref;
261 /** Set the reference **/
262 protected final void put(FJTask r) { ref = r; }
263 /** Return the reference **/
264 protected final FJTask get() { return ref; }
265 /** Return the reference and clear it **/
266 protected final FJTask take() { FJTask r = ref; ref = null; return r; }
268 /**
269 * Initialization utility for constructing arrays.
270 * Make an array of given capacity and fill it with
271 * VolatileTaskRefs.
272 **/
273 protected static VolatileTaskRef[] newArray(int cap) {
274 VolatileTaskRef[] a = new VolatileTaskRef[cap];
275 for (int k = 0; k < cap; k++) a[k] = new VolatileTaskRef();
276 return a;
277 }
279 }
281 /**
282 * The DEQ array.
283 **/
285 protected VolatileTaskRef[] deq = VolatileTaskRef.newArray(INITIAL_CAPACITY);
287 /** Current size of the task DEQ **/
288 protected int deqSize() { return deq.length; }
290 /**
291 * Current top of DEQ. Generally acts just like a stack pointer in an
292 * array-based stack, except that it circularly wraps around the
293 * array, as in an array-based queue. The value is NOT
294 * always kept within <code>0 ... deq.length</code> though.
295 * The current top element is always at <code>top & (deq.length-1)</code>.
296 * To avoid integer overflow, top is reset down
297 * within bounds whenever it is noticed to be out out bounds;
298 * at worst when it is at <code>2 * deq.length</code>.
299 **/
300 protected volatile int top = 0;
303 /**
304 * Current base of DEQ. Acts like a take-pointer in an
305 * array-based bounded queue. Same bounds and usage as top.
306 **/
308 protected volatile int base = 0;
311 /**
312 * An extra object to synchronize on in order to
313 * achieve a memory barrier.
314 **/
316 protected final Object barrier = new Object();
318 /* ------------ Other BookKeeping ------------------- */
320 /**
321 * Record whether current thread may be processing a task
322 * (i.e., has been started and is not in an idle wait).
323 * Accessed, under synch, ONLY by FJTaskRunnerGroup, but the field is
324 * stored here for simplicity.
325 **/
327 protected boolean active = false;
329 /** Random starting point generator for scan() **/
330 protected final Random victimRNG;
333 /** Priority to use while scanning for work **/
334 protected int scanPriority = FJTaskRunnerGroup.DEFAULT_SCAN_PRIORITY;
336 /** Priority to use while running tasks **/
337 protected int runPriority;
339 /**
340 * Set the priority to use while scanning.
341 * We do not bother synchronizing access, since
342 * by the time the value is needed, both this FJTaskRunner
343 * and its FJTaskRunnerGroup will
344 * necessarily have performed enough synchronization
345 * to avoid staleness problems of any consequence.
346 **/
347 protected void setScanPriority(int pri) { scanPriority = pri; }
350 /**
351 * Set the priority to use while running tasks.
352 * Same usage and rationale as setScanPriority.
353 **/
354 protected void setRunPriority(int pri) { runPriority = pri; }
356 /**
357 * Compile-time constant for statistics gathering.
358 * Even when set, reported values may not be accurate
359 * since all are read and written without synchronization.
360 **/
364 static final boolean COLLECT_STATS = true;
365 // static final boolean COLLECT_STATS = false;
368 // for stat collection
370 /** Total number of tasks run **/
371 protected int runs = 0;
373 /** Total number of queues scanned for work **/
374 protected int scans = 0;
376 /** Total number of tasks obtained via scan **/
377 protected int steals = 0;
382 /* ------------ DEQ operations ------------------- */
385 /**
386 * Push a task onto DEQ.
387 * Called ONLY by current thread.
388 **/
390 protected final void push(final FJTask r) {
391 int t = top;
393 /*
394 This test catches both overflows and index wraps. It doesn't
395 really matter if base value is in the midst of changing in take.
396 As long as deq length is < 2^30, we are guaranteed to catch wrap in
397 time since base can only be incremented at most length times
398 between pushes (or puts).
399 */
401 if (t < (base & (deq.length-1)) + deq.length) {
403 deq[t & (deq.length-1)].put(r);
404 top = t + 1;
405 }
407 else // isolate slow case to increase chances push is inlined
408 slowPush(r); // check overflow and retry
409 }
412 /**
413 * Handle slow case for push
414 **/
416 protected synchronized void slowPush(final FJTask r) {
417 checkOverflow();
418 push(r); // just recurse -- this one is sure to succeed.
419 }
422 /**
423 * Enqueue task at base of DEQ.
424 * Called ONLY by current thread.
425 * This method is currently not called from class FJTask. It could be used
426 * as a faster way to do FJTask.start, but most users would
427 * find the semantics too confusing and unpredictable.
428 **/
430 protected final synchronized void put(final FJTask r) {
431 for (;;) {
432 int b = base - 1;
433 if (top < b + deq.length) {
435 int newBase = b & (deq.length-1);
436 deq[newBase].put(r);
437 base = newBase;
439 if (b != newBase) { // Adjust for index underflow
440 int newTop = top & (deq.length-1);
441 if (newTop < newBase) newTop += deq.length;
442 top = newTop;
443 }
444 return;
445 }
446 else {
447 checkOverflow();
448 // ... and retry
449 }
450 }
451 }
453 /**
454 * Return a popped task, or null if DEQ is empty.
455 * Called ONLY by current thread.
456 * <p>
457 * This is not usually called directly but is
458 * instead inlined in callers. This version differs from the
459 * cilk algorithm in that pop does not fully back down and
460 * retry in the case of potential conflict with take. It simply
461 * rechecks under synch lock. This gives a preference
462 * for threads to run their own tasks, which seems to
463 * reduce flailing a bit when there are few tasks to run.
464 **/
466 protected final FJTask pop() {
467 /*
468 Decrement top, to force a contending take to back down.
469 */
471 int t = --top;
473 /*
474 To avoid problems with JVMs that do not properly implement
475 read-after-write of a pair of volatiles, we conservatively
476 grab without lock only if the DEQ appears to have at least two
477 elements, thus guaranteeing that both a pop and take will succeed,
478 even if the pre-increment in take is not seen by current thread.
479 Otherwise we recheck under synch.
480 */
482 if (base + 1 < t)
483 return deq[t & (deq.length-1)].take();
484 else
485 return confirmPop(t);
487 }
490 /**
491 * Check under synch lock if DEQ is really empty when doing pop.
492 * Return task if not empty, else null.
493 **/
495 protected final synchronized FJTask confirmPop(int provisionalTop) {
496 if (base <= provisionalTop)
497 return deq[provisionalTop & (deq.length-1)].take();
498 else { // was empty
499 /*
500 Reset DEQ indices to zero whenever it is empty.
501 This both avoids unnecessary calls to checkOverflow
502 in push, and helps keep the DEQ from accumulating garbage
503 */
505 top = base = 0;
506 return null;
507 }
508 }
511 /**
512 * Take a task from the base of the DEQ.
513 * Always called by other threads via scan()
514 **/
517 protected final synchronized FJTask take() {
519 /*
520 Increment base in order to suppress a contending pop
521 */
523 int b = base++;
525 if (b < top)
526 return confirmTake(b);
527 else {
528 // back out
529 base = b;
530 return null;
531 }
532 }
535 /**
536 * double-check a potential take
537 **/
539 protected FJTask confirmTake(int oldBase) {
541 /*
542 Use a second (guaranteed uncontended) synch
543 to serve as a barrier in case JVM does not
544 properly process read-after-write of 2 volatiles
545 */
547 synchronized(barrier) {
548 if (oldBase < top) {
549 /*
550 We cannot call deq[oldBase].take here because of possible races when
551 nulling out versus concurrent push operations. Resulting
552 accumulated garbage is swept out periodically in
553 checkOverflow, or more typically, just by keeping indices
554 zero-based when found to be empty in pop, which keeps active
555 region small and constantly overwritten.
556 */
558 return deq[oldBase & (deq.length-1)].get();
559 }
560 else {
561 base = oldBase;
562 return null;
563 }
564 }
565 }
568 /**
569 * Adjust top and base, and grow DEQ if necessary.
570 * Called only while DEQ synch lock being held.
571 * We don't expect this to be called very often. In most
572 * programs using FJTasks, it is never called.
573 **/
575 protected void checkOverflow() {
576 int t = top;
577 int b = base;
579 if (t - b < deq.length-1) { // check if just need an index reset
581 int newBase = b & (deq.length-1);
582 int newTop = top & (deq.length-1);
583 if (newTop < newBase) newTop += deq.length;
584 top = newTop;
585 base = newBase;
587 /*
588 Null out refs to stolen tasks.
589 This is the only time we can safely do it.
590 */
592 int i = newBase;
593 while (i != newTop && deq[i].ref != null) {
594 deq[i].ref = null;
595 i = (i - 1) & (deq.length-1);
596 }
598 }
599 else { // grow by doubling array
601 int newTop = t - b;
602 int oldcap = deq.length;
603 int newcap = oldcap * 2;
605 if (newcap >= MAX_CAPACITY)
606 throw new Error("FJTask queue maximum capacity exceeded");
608 VolatileTaskRef[] newdeq = new VolatileTaskRef[newcap];
610 // copy in bottom half of new deq with refs from old deq
611 for (int j = 0; j < oldcap; ++j) newdeq[j] = deq[b++ & (oldcap-1)];
613 // fill top half of new deq with new refs
614 for (int j = oldcap; j < newcap; ++j) newdeq[j] = new VolatileTaskRef();
616 deq = newdeq;
617 base = 0;
618 top = newTop;
619 }
620 }
623 /* ------------ Scheduling ------------------- */
626 /**
627 * Do all but the pop() part of yield or join, by
628 * traversing all DEQs in our group looking for a task to
629 * steal. If none, it checks the entry queue.
630 * <p>
631 * Since there are no good, portable alternatives,
632 * we rely here on a mixture of Thread.yield and priorities
633 * to reduce wasted spinning, even though these are
634 * not well defined. We are hoping here that the JVM
635 * does something sensible.
636 * @param waitingFor if non-null, the current task being joined
637 **/
639 protected void scan(final FJTask waitingFor) {
641 FJTask task = null;
643 // to delay lowering priority until first failure to steal
644 boolean lowered = false;
646 /*
647 Circularly traverse from a random start index.
649 This differs slightly from cilk version that uses a random index
650 for each attempted steal.
651 Exhaustive scanning might impede analytic tractablity of
652 the scheduling policy, but makes it much easier to deal with
653 startup and shutdown.
654 */
656 FJTaskRunner[] ts = group.getArray();
657 int idx = victimRNG.nextInt(ts.length);
659 for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; ++i) {
661 FJTaskRunner t = ts[idx];
662 if (++idx >= ts.length) idx = 0; // circularly traverse
664 if (t != null && t != this) {
666 if (waitingFor != null && waitingFor.isDone()) {
667 break;
668 }
669 else {
670 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++scans;
671 task = t.take();
672 if (task != null) {
673 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++steals;
674 break;
675 }
676 else if (isInterrupted()) {
677 break;
678 }
679 else if (!lowered) { // if this is first fail, lower priority
680 lowered = true;
681 setPriority(scanPriority);
682 }
683 else { // otherwise we are at low priority; just yield
684 yield();
685 }
686 }
687 }
689 }
691 if (task == null) {
692 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++scans;
693 task = group.pollEntryQueue();
694 if (COLLECT_STATS) if (task != null) ++steals;
695 }
697 if (lowered) setPriority(runPriority);
699 if (task != null && !task.isDone()) {
700 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
702 task.setDone();
703 }
705 }
707 /**
708 * Same as scan, but called when current thread is idling.
709 * It repeatedly scans other threads for tasks,
710 * sleeping while none are available.
711 * <p>
712 * This differs from scan mainly in that
713 * since there is no reason to return to recheck any
714 * condition, we iterate until a task is found, backing
715 * off via sleeps if necessary.
716 **/
718 protected void scanWhileIdling() {
719 FJTask task = null;
721 boolean lowered = false;
722 long iters = 0;
724 FJTaskRunner[] ts = group.getArray();
725 int idx = victimRNG.nextInt(ts.length);
727 do {
728 for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; ++i) {
730 FJTaskRunner t = ts[idx];
731 if (++idx >= ts.length) idx = 0; // circularly traverse
733 if (t != null && t != this) {
734 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++scans;
736 task = t.take();
737 if (task != null) {
738 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++steals;
739 if (lowered) setPriority(runPriority);
740 group.setActive(this);
741 break;
742 }
743 }
744 }
746 if (task == null) {
747 if (isInterrupted())
748 return;
750 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++scans;
751 task = group.pollEntryQueue();
753 if (task != null) {
754 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++steals;
755 if (lowered) setPriority(runPriority);
756 group.setActive(this);
757 }
758 else {
759 ++iters;
760 // Check here for yield vs sleep to avoid entering group synch lock
761 if (iters >= group.SCANS_PER_SLEEP) {
762 group.checkActive(this, iters);
763 if (isInterrupted())
764 return;
765 }
766 else if (!lowered) {
767 lowered = true;
768 setPriority(scanPriority);
769 }
770 else {
771 yield();
772 }
773 }
774 }
775 } while (task == null);
778 if (!task.isDone()) {
779 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
781 task.setDone();
782 }
784 }
786 /* ------------ composite operations ------------------- */
789 /**
790 * Main runloop
791 **/
793 public void run() {
794 try{
795 while (!interrupted()) {
797 FJTask task = pop();
798 if (task != null) {
799 if (!task.isDone()) {
800 // inline FJTask.invoke
801 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
803 task.setDone();
804 }
805 }
806 else
807 scanWhileIdling();
808 }
809 }
810 finally {
811 group.setInactive(this);
812 }
813 }
815 /**
816 * Execute a task in this thread. Generally called when current task
817 * cannot otherwise continue.
818 **/
821 protected final void taskYield() {
822 FJTask task = pop();
823 if (task != null) {
824 if (!task.isDone()) {
825 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
827 task.setDone();
828 }
829 }
830 else
831 scan(null);
832 }
835 /**
836 * Process tasks until w is done.
837 * Equivalent to <code>while(!w.isDone()) taskYield(); </code>
838 **/
840 protected final void taskJoin(final FJTask w) {
842 while (!w.isDone()) {
844 FJTask task = pop();
845 if (task != null) {
846 if (!task.isDone()) {
847 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
849 task.setDone();
850 if (task == w) return; // fast exit if we just ran w
851 }
852 }
853 else
854 scan(w);
855 }
856 }
858 /**
859 * A specialized expansion of
860 * <code> w.fork(); invoke(v); w.join(); </code>
861 **/
864 protected final void coInvoke(final FJTask w, final FJTask v) {
866 // inline push
868 int t = top;
869 if (t < (base & (deq.length-1)) + deq.length) {
871 deq[t & (deq.length-1)].put(w);
872 top = t + 1;
874 // inline invoke
876 if (!v.isDone()) {
877 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
879 v.setDone();
880 }
882 // inline taskJoin
884 while (!w.isDone()) {
885 FJTask task = pop();
886 if (task != null) {
887 if (!task.isDone()) {
888 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
890 task.setDone();
891 if (task == w) return; // fast exit if we just ran w
892 }
893 }
894 else
895 scan(w);
896 }
897 }
899 else // handle non-inlinable cases
900 slowCoInvoke(w, v);
901 }
904 /**
905 * Backup to handle noninlinable cases of coInvoke
906 **/
908 protected void slowCoInvoke(final FJTask w, final FJTask v) {
909 push(w); // let push deal with overflow
910 FJTask.invoke(v);
911 taskJoin(w);
912 }
915 /**
916 * Array-based version of coInvoke
917 **/
919 protected final void coInvoke(FJTask[] tasks) {
920 int nforks = tasks.length - 1;
922 // inline bulk push of all but one task
924 int t = top;
926 if (nforks >= 0 && t + nforks < (base & (deq.length-1)) + deq.length) {
927 for (int i = 0; i < nforks; ++i) {
928 deq[t++ & (deq.length-1)].put(tasks[i]);
929 top = t;
930 }
932 // inline invoke of one task
933 FJTask v = tasks[nforks];
934 if (!v.isDone()) {
935 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
937 v.setDone();
938 }
940 // inline taskJoins
942 for (int i = 0; i < nforks; ++i) {
943 FJTask w = tasks[i];
944 while (!w.isDone()) {
946 FJTask task = pop();
947 if (task != null) {
948 if (!task.isDone()) {
949 if (COLLECT_STATS) ++runs;
951 task.setDone();
952 }
953 }
954 else
955 scan(w);
956 }
957 }
958 }
960 else // handle non-inlinable cases
961 slowCoInvoke(tasks);
962 }
964 /**
965 * Backup to handle atypical or noninlinable cases of coInvoke
966 **/
968 protected void slowCoInvoke(FJTask[] tasks) {
969 for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) push(tasks[i]);
970 for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) taskJoin(tasks[i]);
971 }
973 }